. Identify a cultural theme or value exemplified by the work or documented performance, and link this theme or value to the sociopolitical context in which this music was produced. Why is this theme or value of relevance to the production of this music?

The essay should be organized around a central thesis that is clearly stated in the introduction. The essay should integrate the following issues and material into the development of this thesis:

1. Identify a cultural theme or value exemplified by the work or documented performance, and link this theme or value to the sociopolitical context in which this music was produced. Why is this theme or value of relevance to the production of this music?

2. Who composed or produced the work or performance? Describe at least three important aspects of the social and cultural environment in which the musician(s) worked.

3. Define at least three important aspects of the style of this musical practice. In broad terms, how does this work or performance reflect the cultural, aesthetic, and/or political values of the period or culture in which it was produced?

4. What is the genre of the work or performance? What are the basic characteristics and historical background of this genre? What kinds of expectations might audience members have had when encountering a new work or performance in this genre?

5. Select at least one movement or extended section of the work or performance and describe it’s distinctive stylistic, dramatic, and/or formal aspects as they relate to the cultural and aesthetic values of the period or culture.
6. Which aspects of the performance or recording were particularly effective (or ineffective) at conveying the cultural significance or meaning of the work as you have explained it?


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  • . Identify a cultural theme or value exemplified by the work or documented performance, and link this theme or value to the sociopolitical context in which this music was produced. Why is this theme or value of relevance to the production of this music?


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