I Imagine you are a local police chief working to lead a community meeting that will focus on bias prevention and police reform. Identify problems and concerns that contributed to the many race-related protests and unrest during the 2020 year. Create a 600-

I Imagine you are a local police chief working to lead a community meeting that will focus on bias prevention and police reform.
Identify problems and concerns that contributed to the many race-related protests and unrest during the 2020 year.
Create a 600- to 700-word plan that focuses on diversity related problems such as officer selection, training, monitoring, reporting, social media partner organizations, follow-up, and assessment.
Identify solutions related to the problems listed above.
Forecast suggested changes, outcomes, and improvements.

Suggested Outline:

Problem (e.g. Training)
Proposed changes/improvements
Forecasted outcomes
Cite at least 2 scholarly/peer reviewed references to support your assignment.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment


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