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Assignment Task
Assignment Brief
This assignment is to assess student’s ability to perform business analysis using Statistical and Geographic Information Systems(GIS) related tools, techniques and methodologies to find out applicable and useful intelligence for taking informed decision making in private and government sector institutions in the island and different parts of the countries in the world The relevant higher level administrative officials of the those institutions can use GIS to generate maximum efficiency and benefits on informed business decision making while eliminating discrimination, ambiguity and uncertainty.
Tasks Introduction
Understand the given tasks based on Sri Lanka education sector using data science domain associate with non-geospatial and geospatial data models. Apply relevant tools, techniques and methodologies found in business analytics subject relevant to the module scope and conduct analysis on different subject matters with the support of source data provided in shape files (.shp), raster files(.asc),comma separated (.csv),text and excel file formats. The data analysis and visual demonstration required to be done using standard software tools recommended for the module (R, R-studio, R-commander, QGIS, PostgreSQL and Google Earth etc.).
Task – Report
The student required to do the following data analysis visualizations based on datasets provided with this assignment using R, R-Studio, R-commander, QGIS, PostgreSQL, GOOGLE EARTH and other related supportive tools. All required datasets have been included within the “Data Sets” folder as separate subfolders per each question.
a) The Ministry of Education currently involving with various research studies to uncover new strategies to uplift education sector standards within the country with the aid of Unites States Case Study. A dataset named EduStateExpenditure.CSV and its data dictionary have been provided for you to uncover possible associations available with Education Expenditure, Urban Population and Income Per Capita with the aid of suitable most appropriate statistical and business analytics tools such as R, R-studio and R-commander. Analysis should be followed by critical discussions of the findings relating to Sri Lanka.
b) As per the findings of question a, you are required to develop precise informed decision making statistical numerical and graphical models. As per the requirement develop a precise statistical model(s) having recognized possible associations available with Education Expenditure and other found factors as per question a using provided dataset (EduStateExpenditure.CSV) with the aid of most appropriate statistical and business analytics tools such as R, R-studio, R-commander. Analysis should be followed by critical discussions of the findings relating to Sri Lanka.
c) Develop a Sri Lanka map that visualizes information of Sri Lanka Schools Students Population
Published by Ministry of Education Sri Lanka (provided as Students-Data-2019.xlsx). The information such as District Name, Total Grade1-5, Total Grade 6-11 Students, Total A/L Students, Total Special Education Students and Total Students in All Categories should be retrieved via newly created SLStudents2019.csv file to the map. All the information in .CSV should be shown in the map while classifying it by Total Students in All Categories by district. The map processing should be done using provided vector data set and the visualized information should be well described.
d) Using 2.2: Administrative Structure of Education by District -2019 in National-Level-TablesPart1.pdf(provided) published by Ministry of Education Sri Lanka develop an informative map using provided shape files and classify it using All Government Schools by district. The map should contain District Name, National Schools, Provincial Schools and All Government Schools. Do precise and critical justifications about education facility distribution of districts in Sri Lanka in order to take suitable strategic decision making by the ministry of education to uplift the education standards of the country.
e) Develop a digitized informative area map with suitable information provided. The map should contain separate new vector layers of the natural and manmade land covers such as buildings, roads, trees and forests etc. in Ministry of Education(MOE) -Isurupaya and its suburbs developed by digitization process. The provided google earth areal image should be used to support digitization with QGIS open layer plugins/Google Earth/Google maps. Every vector layer attribute table should contain id, name and type fields and associated data. By analyzing the map describe the possibility of constructing a modern education research and development facility in MOE Complex as per the rising requirements according to the world trends. (For map development Use coordinates reference system as WGS84-EPSG4326).
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Posted on : December 10th, 2019
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