Nursing burnout – Nursing assignment writers

Submit a summary of six of your articles on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness for each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change.

Article 1 –

Discusses implementation of two inteventions to reduce and manage nursing burnout. However, I can only propose said interventions and will not be able to evaluate efficacy for my organization.

Article 2 –

Promote self-care as burnout intervention to improve work satisfaction. Many barriers are present to affect outcome for nurse. Interverntion proposed is proactive and difficult to ensure satisfaction.

Article 3 –

Job strain reduction of ICU nurses who participated in 5 -day educational program compared to those who did not. Efficacy was assessed with-in 6 months, however, ability of attendance is a barrier for this program.

Article 4 –

Nursing burnout is correlated with patient safety and outcomes. This is my focus for the capstone project. I can identify gaps and neeps of coverage for the proposal. However, filling in those gaps will require more research to provide evidence-based education

Article 5 – Implentation of assessing staff for nursing burnout regularly is a great consideration. Barriers for implementation of include method and cost to benefit the nurses and organization.

Article 6 – This reference provides insight on the financial and organizational side of nursing. It never mentions nursing burnout, however it does give statistical data on nursing turnover rates and identifies needs for improvement.


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