Explain how terroirs organizations are operation in light of the new technologies.

there are 5 questions please answer them 1 by 1 in a q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 manner thank you!

q1; The media; old media and some of the advances that had accured historically in the media that were impactful relative to pro-terrorist organizations that took advantage from those changes. so Please detail what historically developed relative to the media and how terrorist organizations took advantage of that.

Explain how terroirs organizations are operation in light of the new technologies. Detail what some of the new advances or changes in the new media and how terorrist groups are using them.

q3; watch the movie ‘The Oath’ Please show your general thought on the movie and the main character. Is this individual somebody that we should look to for guidance for how we combat terrorism. do you agree with him or not? He was involved in a very interesting program which was kind of like a reintegration program where he was provided with some things to try to get back in business and back into normal way of living, please provide your thoughts on that.
q4; 2 primary threats we can expect moving forwards relative to how terrorist organizations going to operate and going to allign and what impacts they might ahve on us. detail what 2 threats are and what to do to prepare for those threats moving forward. (chapter 0 of Thinking like a terroist by Mike German) please find the book online.

q5; what is the average profile of a terrorist and your thoughts on why middle east has a huge terrorist problem. (religion question)


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