Does sleep deprivation have an impact on mental health and mood change among children and young adults?

Does sleep deprivation have an impact on mental health and mood change among children and young adults? To what extent does it have an impact? Your final assignment in WRDS 150 is a Research Paper centered on the theme of Behaviours, Norms, and Behavioural Change.

The structure, rhetorical, and linguistic features of your research paper should (roughly) be informed by course readings (and the research articles you find) and the models of argument, reasoning, and evidence found in them.

The following guide may help you organize your research paper:


Does this section create a context for the topic of the research paper?
Do you clearly identify the research problem or topic of interest, and/or include a refined research question(s) or hypotheses?
Do you state briefly what the literature reveals about the research problem or issue to be investigated and reveals a gap in the current literature about the problem? OR Does the introduction show your awareness of the prior research on the subject?
Does the introduction raise the major issue(s) you will discuss in the paper?
Does the section contain a method/approach of inquiry: how will knowledge be constructed on this topic? Where will the sources of evidence be gathered from? What techniques, strategies, approaches will be utilized to construct knowledge and valuable insights?
Do you mention your research outcome and briefly state why the outcome is significant or relevant?
Do you indicate to the reader in what way your research paper and its contribution are likely to be original?
Does the introduction indicate the importance and interest of your topic?

Does this section offer contextual information to invite reader engagement with the topic? Or is the review of the prior research and literature sufficient to inform the reader about the background of the topic?
Do you organize and present scholarly voices and views related to the topic in the form of an original interpretive approach to discuss, describe, explain, analyze, and evaluate the major concepts and ideas about the chosen research problem?
Do you provide insightful takeaways at strategic points in the various sections to aid reader understanding?
Does the discussion address difficult/challenging concepts and information in meaningful ways to help readers better appreciate the research problem?
Do you offer supporting evidence and reasons for claims made in various paragraphs of the research text?

Does the conclusion summarize the findings of your research inquiry to demonstrate you have accomplished your chief research and writing objectives?
Does the conclusion grow out of the major ideas you have discussed in the paper?
Does the conclusion reinforce your main thoughts?
Do you indicate how your findings relate to the findings of prior research and scholarly voices on the topic?
Does this section tell the reader in what way your research makes an original scholarly contribution to the existing literature on the topic?
Do you suggest possible ways of pursuing the issue in future writing?
Do you declare major conceptual and practical limitations of conducting your research inquiry and writing project?
Does the conclusion show awareness that your own writing is part of a continuing scholarly conversation on the subject?
Reader Engagement and Scholarly Writing Conventions

Do you organize and present scholarly voices and views using sections with engaging titles, paragraphs with major and minor points, and transitions to clarify relationships between the major and minor points?
Do you actively write with the reader in mind by addressing them, and engaging them through meaningful and relevant topic-oriented questions?
Do you guide readers with pertinent transitions, pointing words, and strategic repetitions of key terms and phrases?
Do you correctly cite all scholarly sources using APA 7th Edition citation style using in-text citations and end-of-text reference list
Do you format your research paper in accordance with APA 7th Edition document formatting style for a student research paper?

Please Provide a working bibliography with the research paper.


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  • Does sleep deprivation have an impact on mental health and mood change among children and young adults?


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