What cultural context might be at work here to consider?

I have included some pages if the textbook called lifespan Development by John santrock

Part II: Imagineyou are a nurse, social worker, hospice volunteer or other healthcare professional working with a 77-year-old terminal cancer patient who is struggling with her end of life decisions. She is stoic and hard-working. Her culture values privacy and independence. She doesnt wish to burden her family and so changes the subject anytime her children try to broach the topic of her final wishes, taking care of her house/pets, her will, etc. She becomes uncomfortable anytime you or other care providers ask to discuss her wishes on things such as DNR orders, religious wishes, or final arrangements. Her children are concerned about her and are worried they dont know how to best fulfill her wishes and are imploring you to help. In 2 pages, consider:

How might your own views on death and dying impact your work with this patient?
How might you seek to guide or help this patient and her family through this time?
What cultural context might be at work here to consider?
Remember, as you reflect on these topics, connect your own experiences and ideas to the theory and research we are learning about in class, referencing your text and at least two other sources.


  • Write a paragraph about social classes and you considered the treatment of slaves and natives, economic changes, and the start of the Civil War as possible topics for other paragraphs, but those aren’t required if you have other topics. Also, please use at least two primary sources for the citations.
  • What groups support or oppose the amendment and what are their arguments?
  • Discuss your favorite media in Two Dimensional Art: As the midterm exam, to conclude the first half of the course, you will select your favorite art work thus far in the course and discuss that and other similar works by the artist.
  • Which country’s health care system should be used to reform the U.S.’s current health care system?
  • What in the clients history is commonly associated with pulmonary disease?
  • Write about the environment and the effect of pollution and global warming.
  • What cultural context might be at work here to consider?
  • Explain managerial concepts as they pertain to business process costing.
  • Describe your legal interests, the particular area of study you intend to undertake as a law student, the reasons you wish to study at Berkeley Law, and your professional plans or goals following completion of your degree.
  • Does sleep deprivation have an impact on mental health and mood change among children and young adults?


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