What has each group/culture contributed to Western Civilization in terms of ideas, beliefs, or practices?

Please choose 3 of the 4 options. In response, please write a one-paragraph (6-8 sentences) “essay.”

Option 1: Short Essay on the Four Pillars of Western Civilization
Historically speaking, which four groups/cultures are considered to be the “pillars” of Western Civilization? What has each group/culture contributed to Western Civilization in terms of ideas, beliefs, or practices? How do these cultures connect to our lives today?
Option 2: The Roman Colosseum – Paradox and History
How is the Roman colosseum (built in the city of Rome in the 1st century AD/CE) an example of historical paradox within the civilization of ancient Rome? Explain.
Option 3: The West Today
Look at the Freedom House Map. What kinds of scores do we see for Western nations (look at the European nations; United States; Canada; etc.). Which nations seem to score highest? Any thoughts or reactions as you reflect on the modern West today? (Keep your focus on the West. We haven’t really discussed non-Western cultures so it’s not fair to just make judgments or comments without giving full consideration to the history of non-Western regions.)
Option 4: Violence
According to some scholars, including Steven Pinker, the modern West is – for the most part – a much less violent place than the ancient, medieval, and basically pre-modern worlds. Why does Pinker say that? In what ways or respects are our lives today different from people who lived in ancient Greece, Rome or Mesopotamia? How does the language of rights and modern Enlightenment play a role in how we think and treat each other, particularly with respect to children?


Short Answer: Please answer 15 of the following questions in a couple of short sentences.
1. “The West” today — what area is the historical anchor? What area is the superpower?

The superpower is
The historical anchor is

2. Biology is an -ology word that comes from the ancient Greeks. What does -ology mean? What are 2 other words that you use/encounter — either in school or in medical offices – that have the -ology root?
3. According to the Greek physician Hippocrates, what is the relationship of knowledge to professionalism (being a “professional” whether a doctor or a teacher or an engineer)?
4. What is socratic dialogue? How does it relate to modern education and to the values of the modern West?
5. If an event occurred in 1021 BC(E), that would be how many years ago? __________
If an event occurred in 1500 AD/CE, that would be how many years ago? _________
6. Who was Spartacus and when did he live? For whom was/is he a hero, and why?
7. According to the document, “The Achievements of the Divine Augustus” (14 AD/CE), what was the attitude of the Emperor Augustus to the practice of gladiator games?
8. The Latin term “panem & circenses” – what does that mean? How does it relate to gladiator games?
9. How is the title/phrase Jesus of Nazareth different from the title/phrase Jesus Christos?
10. In order to understand fully the history of 1st century Christianity (“the Jesus Movement”) you need to be familiar with four languages. Which are those languages?
11. In the years of the Roman Empire, the city of Rome (in Italy) functioned as the center of a massive imperial system. After the Roman Empire disintegrated, what happened to the city of Rome (in relation to Christianity) and why?
12. According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus gave a Sermon on the Mount. In the sermon, Jesus refers to peacemakers as blessed. Given that the broader historical context is that of the Roman Empire, why is this an interesting comment? What seems to be Jesus’s implication?
13. The Middle Ages is sometimes called The Age of Faith. Why?
14. Why are medieval Christian monks and monasteries so important to the preservation of history?
15. What were the Crusades (1096-1291), and why are they (arguably) an example of a paradox?
16. How is lifespan in the ancient and medieval eras different from lifespan expectancies in today’s modern West? What a reason for why? (There are many; just one is fine for this answer.)


  • Are there hurdles that might prevent some groups or interests from being effectively organized?
  • Discuss about Improving Quality of Care through Mindfulness Based Interventions.
  • Explain how neutralization theory (Sykes and Matza) explain the high rates of crimes against the property.
  • Write an essay exploring Neustadt’s argument that presidential power is fundamentally about persuasion due to the limits of his (or her) formal powers.
  • What will Chicanx feminism look like in 20 years, 50 years, when your grandchildren go to college?
  • List and provide all of the necessary equipment needed to play the game (eg. Dice, tokens, cards, etc.).
  • Briefly state what the cod fishing industry meant in the past in the Atlantic provinces.
  • Describe both the type of threat (e.g., nuclear or chemical weapons attack, bombing, shooting) and the type of perpetrator (e.g., individual directed, enabled, or inspired by a foreign terrorist organization; domestic terrorist affiliated with an organization espousing hateful ideologies; lone actor).
  • Write a paper that focus on the current state education deficit in the world, specifically in regards to children around the globe.
  • What has each group/culture contributed to Western Civilization in terms of ideas, beliefs, or practices?


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