Are there hurdles that might prevent some groups or interests from being effectively organized?

In Chapter 7 from American Democracy in Context, the authors state the following: “Organized interest groups are necessary for politics. Without them, the government might ignore the needs of many people.” (p. 182)

Based on our readings about interest groups this week, how well is the US system of interest group politics representing the needs of the people?

Write a 2-3 page reading commentary addressing this question. In your essay you might want to emphasize how and why interest groups can help to promote the needs of different parts of the public, or you might instead want to explore some of the issues or limitations in this process. Either way, be sure you pay attention to possible counter arguments to your main perspective. Among the topics you might find it helpful to consider:

– How do interest groups participate in politics (what activities do the engage in?), and how might this help to represent the public?

– Do interest groups reflect some interests more than others, and why?

– Are there hurdles that might prevent some groups or interests from being effectively organized?

– What do Siplon and Grover mean by an “iron triangle” and how does this potentially hinder the democratic process? What examples do the provide, and are these convincing?

Format requirements

Please use Chapter 7 of American Democracy in Context and at least one other reading from the following: Siplon and Grover or Hacker and Loewentheil

Your commentary should be typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, 1″ margins. 2-3 pages is the suggested length, but a bit longer is fine (use your own judgment). Please cite pages from the reading using parenthetical citations (bracketed page information at the end of the sentence). Citations should be used to support paraphrased information/ideas taken from the readings, not just for direct quotes.

I was told my customer support that the textbook needed is in your database the text book is titled American Democracy in context. Additional needed resources are attached. Please use as much course material in this essay as possible. as I really need the best grade out of this with only a two page essay.


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