Research Paper about Impossible foods

RESEARCH PROJECT – Impossible foods

In 2021, CNBC published a list of 50 most innovativestart-up companies. Select anyof these seven entrepreneurial companies to write a research paper:  IMPOSSIBLE FOODS

The papershould be 10 -12 pages in length (excluding cover page, table of contents, andreferences), type-written and double-spaced. Note that the executive summarypage, which summarizes key issues and ideas presented in the paper, should be single-spaced.Follow the following guidelines in writing the paper:

 Cover page (company name, your name,university and college name, semester/year, course name/number/section, andinstructor name).

 Table of contents (Show page number foreach section of the paper).

 Executive summary. This full page is pagenumber 1for your research paper.

 The company. In this section, discuss thecompany history, nature of its business (i.e., the kind of goods or servicesoffered), and its delivery method to customers (e.g., online, physical outlets,intermediaries). The companys target customers (e.g., children, ladies,investors) and target market (e.g., local, national, international). Providedata about market size in terms of customers. Strategic assets of the company (e.g.,patents, unique technology, leadership, other core and distinctivecompetencies). What is the purpose of its creation and competitive advantage?

 Analysis. Analyze the company financialinformation (if available) with tables and graphs showing profit/lossstatements and balance sheet for most recent year.

 Company creativity: How creative is thecompanys business model (e.g., introduction of new or improved goods/services,the companys ability to become profitable in the future). Explain in detail.

 Competitors. Discuss at least two majorcompetitors of the company that you have selected. The discussion should befocused on products, target markets, company size in terms of assets/employees,and other relevant factors. Is the company competitively sound in yourjudgement?

 Company future prospects: What is thefuture prospect of the company? Explain. If the company becomes a publicenterprise (if its not already so), would you buy its stocks? Explain.

 Vision, mission, goals, objectives. Onthe basis of your research, develop your own vision and missionstatements for the company. Also, develop two goals, and two objectives foreach goal.

 SWOT analysis. Develop the SWOT table.The table should contain at least five factors (variables) for each component ofthe analysis (i.e., S, W, O, and T).

 Strategy statement: On the basis of theSWOT analysis, write down a strategy statement for the company (see McDonaldsstrategy statement in the lecture notes posted on the course Blackboard).

  Recommendation.List three key recommendations for the company in strategic areas such asdiversification, integration, or other initiatives.

  This isan individual (and not group) research project. You need to search the companyreports, trade Journals, academic publications, books, and  other published materials.

 Begin your research early in the semester. Thisis a major undertaken.

 You must use at least ten references.

 Follow the American Psychological Association(APA) writing style (manual) for citing the references. Keep in mind that theauthors name, title of the publication, date of publishing, and thepublication name are all required. 

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