Identify Client Requirements – IT Assignment Help

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Assignment Task

Task 1 – Identify client requirements

You are working in a web design company. You have to create a new website for X (After analysis, student will decide any topic). Submit your prototype including the paperwork to your Client (Assessor).

For the planning stage ensure that you discuss the project with the client to fully clarify the requirements including how many pages(Website must include Home page, Gallery , About us page, Contact us page and minimum 2 other pages depends on topic), concept and user needs.

In the development Stage you are to develop preliminary sketches, as well as a series of roughs that you will present to and discuss with relevant personnel in order to select the final design. Base on company X, you are required to identify the following information:

– Who is a target audience?

– What are the goals for the audience?

– What is an expectation of the audience, in term of interaction need?

Task 2 – Develop prototype interface

Develop prototype interface (Work with Industry Standard Software) Student must demonstrate HTML and Minimum use of CSS through website. The navigation of whole website must be easily accessible and must be consistence Outcomes:

– Develop prototype interface (Start work with Industry Standard Software)

– Page layouts

– Add logo or Banner

– Create the navigation

– Save first web page or Home Page as “index.html”

– Add content to body

– Apply suitable background colour

– Create a basic table

– Insert Images

– Create an Image Map

– Create internal links within a document

– Create other pages

– Modify all pages

– Complete the website and gain feedback

Task 3 – Modify contact page

Your client wants to modify the contact page. You are to create Forms and write client side script to

perform validation of the form inputs.


– Contact Name*

– Contact telephone number

– Contact email address*

– Details of enquiry*

– Submit button

* Indicate required field

Task 4 – Design the website

Based on a prototype, you need to design a completed website for selected business. First you have to prepare a Website Design Document. In your Website Design Document you should include the following:

1) URL for the site

2) Purpose of the website

3) Audience for the website

4) Style (Colour scheme / Font Design) for the website including the following elements:

a) Heading levels 1 to 3

b) Paragraph text

c) Links

d) Table appearance

e) Background colour / image

List of images to be used in the site including the image alternative text

1) Client side scripting

2) Navigational Structure for the website

3) Page layouts for each page in the site

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 20th, 2019

  • Downloads : 0

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