Write one paragraph giving thoughtful suggestions on how to apply or use your research. Include why this topic interested you and how it affects the development of your educational philosophy.

Cite any direct quotes or paraphrases from the article. Use the author’s name, the year of publication and the page number (for quotes) in the in-text citations.


Below are the paragraphs to include:

A. Summary
Write a summary of the article. The summary should be one to three paragraphs in length. Include the authors purpose of the article, the focus of the research, and how the research was conducted and the findings of the study. (cite to support)
B. Impact on Early Childhood Education
In one to two paragraphs, explain the implications and effects of the research on early childhood education. Discuss any flaws, as well as strengths and weaknesses in the article or research. (cite to support)
C. Applying the Research
Write one paragraph giving thoughtful suggestions on how to apply or use your research. Include why this topic interested you and how it affects the development of your educational philosophy. (cite to support)


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