BHS006-6 – Demonstrate a Critical Understanding of Drug and Receptor Interaction

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Assignment Task

Unit learning outcomes

1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of drug and receptor interaction and the underlying signalling transduction associated with mechanism of drug action, and system biology techniques applied in the drug development

2. Critically analyse and evaluate experimental data and scientific literature to understand current research advances in the area of molecular pharmacology, present and debate information clearly and effectively in the written form.

What am I required to do in this assignment?

You will carry out two practicals.

1. In the first practical, you will use a computer software to generate and analyse data through which you can interpret how drugs and receptors interact (protocol on BREO).

2. In the second practical, you will run a SDS-gel to separate the proteins and to study biomarker identification in Melanoma cell lines (protocol on BREO)

Following the practical sessions, you are expected to produce a single laboratory report based on the 2 practical sessions. The lab report should be structured like a research article in a scientific journal.

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 20th, 2019

  • Downloads : 0

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