MAN3716 Contemporary Issues in Project Management : Company Market Success

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MAN3716 Contemporary Issues in Project Management



Scope creep one of the most significant difficulties in project management. It is also a vital aspect in the workforce that aids in the leadership of the entire department team and the company’s performance. In project management, IT was used as positive encouragement for staff productivity. Scope creep has to be a regular occurrence to keep employees occupied and avoid boredom leading to a shortage of work commute (Bennett IV & Soylu, 2021). This research has also explained numerous problems and obstacles that may arise in a project, but the project must always be prepared to embrace these issues and come up with solutions in order to achieve the company’s market success.

A literature assessment of scope creep is also included to form the Defence Communication Network of the Ministry of Defence (DII). Many businesses are unaware of the difficulties posed by scope creep. Its effect on employee enthusiasm has a significant impact on project management and productivity, since it aids in achieving the company’s objectives. Employees who are motivated contribute to the company’s productivity, which aids in the organization’s growth.

Problem Statement:

The majority of projects in the twenty-first century are confronted with scope creep issues. To implement a good organization, all of the components of project leadership are more important. On the other hand, economic expansion depends on the motivational sorts of individuals and how did they spend (Amer & Elayoty, 2018). The initial design requirement may be altered for specific reasons based on project management capabilities. In this situation, the project faces a significant obstacle and an opportunity to be evaluated in this study. To better grasp the project management analysis, the research study overview requires a thorough understanding of scope creep difficulties.

Research questions:

The research questions listed below must be addressed.

• What are the most common scope creep issues in project management?

• How do you categorize scope creep issues on a project?

• What are the current strategies and studies for dealing with scope creep issues?

• Which project is failing as a result of scope creep?


This study’s long-term purpose is to assist project managers in overcoming scope creep issues. Scope creep in a long-term project is primarily concerned with discovering and classifying concerns and resolving project management issues (George, 2020). The proposed study aims to provide a complete literature evaluation on project management improvement scope creep difficulties in projects and industry best practices. This study’s findings are extremely useful to the project management industry, and software suppliers in establishing better methods and solutions to avoid project scope creep issues. The following sub-objectives are partially described-

• To create a detailed evaluation of a project’s source code and the characteristics of scope creep issues in product design.

• To create secret ways for dealing with scope creep issues that arose during managing projects.

• To examine the existing scope creep mitigation policies and studies in project management.

• To sketch up a conceptual model for avoiding scope creep issues in project management.

Literature Review:

According to a preliminary literature study, scope creep is connected to project management and poses a problem by diverging from the project’s original criteria. It is a fairly regular project professional obstacle to the organization. This traditional difficulty in the industry can be avoided by an efficient manager who is active in project planning. A program manager is in charge of the entire project; therefore, it must keep it on track with suitable techniques and actively encourage staff to participate in problem-solving. If the system stimulates the worker for a long time, the maintenance costs and the requirements of the workers serve to minimize the expansion of the vocation. Today, scope creep is both a challenge and a distinguishing characteristic of management. In their difficult times, most organizations encounter a growth participant in that case. Many researchers are researching this topic, and in this part, the writer is developing some researcher’s study outcomes. 

Unauthorized adjustments must be made following the budget estimate, initial time, and the period allotted for accepting the scope (Saeed et al., 2018). It can be claimed that the authorized product, which is part of the scope, is not precisely finished, and the end-product does not adhere to the standards. Several types of scope creep can occur in a project. It can sometimes be observed that CEOs do not plan to participate in every judgment. Half of the project was completed with no personal involvement. This endeavour was a complete waste of money. Due to change proposals, project teams must work rather than follow a traditional management approach. Inadequate original paperwork, permission to direct communication between team members and clients, and initially poorly specified core needs are all examples of project risks.

Context and Significance:

This study is aids in defining how scope creep affects a project’s issues. A defence information system, for instance, is a secure military network that is used by all military services as well as civilians. The project cost was $2.13 billion when it was first suggested in parliament, but after other conditions were added, the project cost increased to $5.28 billion. This research aids in the development of this type of possibility in a project.


Based on the findings of this study, it can be stated that scope is a major factor that poses a significant obstacle to project management. It is critical to make the appropriate decision about accepting the scope and resolving the risks that may arise to meet the project’s objectives. Scope creep is a property of new needs that extends the functionality of the investigation beyond what was originally agreed upon. Because change is a constant, scope creep can be deemed unavoidable.

MAN3716 Contemporary Issues in Project Management

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum rhoncus est pellentesque. Amet dictum sit amet justo donec enim diam vulputate ut. Neque convallis a cras semper auctor neque vitae. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan. Nisl condimentum id venenatis a condimentum vitae sapien pellentesque. Imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula. Malesuada fames ac turpis egestas maecenas pharetra convallis posuere. Et ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod. Suscipit tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed enim. Potenti nullam ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare. Morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor aliquam. Sit amet purus gravida quis blandit. Nec feugiat in fermentum posuere urna. Vel orci porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum. Ultricies tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor at auctor urna. Orci sagittis eu volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit amet.

Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi. Pharetra et ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod. Pretium viverra suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor vitae. Morbi quis commodo odio aenean sed. At consectetur lorem donec massa sapien faucibus et. Nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus. Duis at tellus at urna condimentum mattis pellentesque. Vivamus at augue eget arcu dictum varius duis at. Justo donec enim diam vulputate ut. Blandit libero volutpat sed cras ornare arcu. Ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo. Convallis a cras semper auctor neque. Tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus. Tortor consequat id porta nibh.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum rhoncus est pellentesque. Amet dictum sit amet justo donec enim diam vulputate ut. Neque convallis a cras semper auctor neque vitae. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan. Nisl condimentum id venenatis a condimentum vitae sapien pellentesque. Imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula. Malesuada fames ac turpis egestas maecenas pharetra convallis posuere. Et ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod. Suscipit tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed enim. Potenti nullam ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare. Morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor aliquam. Sit amet purus gravida quis blandit. Nec feugiat in fermentum posuere urna. Vel orci porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum. Ultricies tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor at auctor urna. Orci sagittis eu volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit amet.

Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi. Pharetra et ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod. Pretium viverra suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor vitae. Morbi quis commodo odio aenean sed. At consectetur lorem donec massa sapien faucibus et. Nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus. Duis at tellus at urna condimentum mattis pellentesque. Vivamus at augue eget arcu dictum varius duis at. Justo donec enim diam vulputate ut. Blandit libero volutpat sed cras ornare arcu. Ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo. Convallis a cras semper auctor neque. Tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus. Tortor consequat id porta nibh.

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