Assignment Task
Requirements for the Assessment
You are required to write a journal article in an academic style on ONE of the specific titles listed later in this document.
This will involve undertaking independent research of theory (e.g. books, journal articles, internet) and practice (e.g. examples and case studies). Any Information Systems or Software Engineering type Journal which is available online can be used for examples of the style of writing to be adopted.
You may consult any of the module materials, resources or any other relevant material but you will find that they will need to be expanded on by your own research. You must undertake your own research to find journal articles and cases. Wholesale repetition of examples given in the lectures or on Moodle or discussed in the tutorials will not attract any marks.
Assessment Topic Selection
Please find below specific titles drawn from different elements of the course & lectures. You must choose only one specific title
Lectures & Course Elements
Risk Management, Metrics and Software Estimation
Specific Titles – Choose from a topic in this column
1. An individual’s assessments of risk within a project are particularly variable. Critically evaluate whether human and behavioural elements can impact risk assessment on IS/IT projects and whether this might contribute to poor software delivery practice.
2. Analyse the process of developing software estimates and explain the problems in attempting these challenging tasks as well as the value of a metrics based approach.
3. Provide a balanced appraisal of the view that software maturity models provide a useful assessment framework to help improve software development practices.
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