Assignment Task
Task 1: Is to summarize the overall range of needs and factors to ensure a safe workplace environment.
Task 2: Is to evaluate the control measures in place in an organization to control various risks.
Task 3: Is to evaluate an organization’s risk assessments on fire and explosion, equipment and machinery.
Task 4: Is to evaluate an organization’s storage management of hazardous substances.
This introduction is exclusive to Task 1, and there may be a similarity with Task 2 to 4 introductions. Hereafter all the explanation is related to Task 1 until Task 2 start is titled in a red font like the above.
1.1 Aim
This assignment aim is for health & safety practitioners to understand the range of factors to consider to maintain a safe work environment.
1.2 Scope
The main scope of this assignment is to summarize the overall range of needs and factors to ensure a safe workplace environment. Besides, the following are required to be completed:
· Outline the critical factors when maintaining the working environment, ie temperature, light, space, ergonomics, lifts, access.
· Justify the full range of welfare facilities that must be available in a workplace.
· Explain the hazards and risks posed by electrics in an organization.
· Review and evaluate control measures for electrics in relation to current legislation
· Assess the hazards and risks associated with the structural integrity of buildings
· Review and evaluate control measures for structural integrity in relation to current legislation
2.1 Health Factors
Factors influencing health include the following:
· Venitlation
· Temperature and Humidity
· Ergonomics / physical arrangement of work area & equipment
· Space, illumination and cleanliness of the work area
Workplaces need to be adequately ventilated. Suitable air movement and rate of air exchange is important to maintain air quality. Fresh, clean air should be taken from a source outside the workplace, uncontaminated by releases from chimneys, flues, or other process outlets, and be circulated through the workrooms. Ventilation should also eliminate and dilute warm, humid air and provide air circulation which gives a sense of freshness without instigating a draught. If the workplace comprises process or heating equipment or other sources of fumes, dust or vapours, more fresh air will be required to provide sufficient ventilation. Windows or other openings may provide adequate ventilation but, where necessary, mechanical ventilation systems should be in place and regularly maintained
Temperature and Humidity (Indoor Workplace)
Environmental factors (sources of heat and humidity) asssociated with personal factors (clothing and physically demanding tasks) to affect someone’s thermal comfort. Personal liking makes it hard to identify a thermal environment which pleases everyone. Sufficient (indoor) heating is vital to provide thermal comfort in cold weather. For workplaces where the activity is mainly inactive, for example offices, the temperature should normally be at least 16 °C. If the task involves physical effort it should be at least 13 °C (unless other laws require lower temperatures).
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