Your review should comprise six clear paragraphs within the limits of three double-spaced, typed pages in 12-point Times New Roman font and standard 1-inch margins. Summarizerather than includechunks of quoted text.
If the article you have chosen will not work within this plan, find a better fit or consult your Academic Expert.
State, Review of a Scholarly Source submitted by [your full name] to [Academic Experts name] on [date].
Provide the full and correctly formatted (APA style) source information for the article or chapter. Since this is a review of a single source, there is no need to put it in a bibliography at the end.
In paragraph one, briefly and clearly explain the thesis or research question of the article, the architectural phenomenon that is being examined, as well as the structure and parts of the argument. In this paragraph or a later one, consider where the article or chapter appears (if this information is relevant). Is it unusual in some way? Also explain who the articles intended audience is.
Explain the context of the article by providing basic background on the essay. For example, if one of the essay case studies deals with Viking tombs, the context section should explain briefly who the Vikings were, when they lived and where, what the tombs were, and how they were used.
In paragraph three, explain the sources that the author uses to argue their thesis or investigate their research question. The author may state this information directly, or you may have to inspect the footnotes. In the case of a book chapter, sources are often explained in the books introduction. Do not simply present the obvious. This paragraph should be analytical; consider the effect of the authors choices on your understanding of their argument. Feel free to mention problems or patterns you observe about these sources. Here are some questions to help you determine the types of sources used:
Do they comprise original or field research?
Are they books or articles?
Were they written recently or a long time ago?
What language were they originally written in?
In paragraph four, explain the authors methodology, that is, how the author develops the argument and how the author uses the sources to support their argument, whether textual or visual. Sometimes an author may state this directly, but other times it may not be so clear. Here are some questions that may help you to determine the methodology:
Does the author employ a particular theory or interpretation?
Does the author use certain categories of questions to analyze the text/sources/visual evidence?
Does the author have to overcome certain problems or limitations with the sources?
Does the author use different sources in a particular combination?
Does the author use sources or parts of sources with which they both agree AND disagree?
In paragraph five, summarize the results of the research by describing clearly the authors findings/conclusion(s). These might be given throughout the essay or summarized in its conclusion.
In paragraph six, identify and evaluate the significance or the major implications of the research findings and how they relate to your own research and interests in this course. This paragraph might include some critical engagement with features you have identified in earlier paragraphs. If you do not know much about the topic, you will not be able to evaluate the larger implication of the article, but you can, at least, explain how the article contributes to your own project.
Avoid using direct quotations from the article in this assignment: your goal is to summarize information rather than extract specific phrases. An exception might be when you explain a key phrase or term that the author uses. Remember to write your essay in an academic style that explains your article clearly in your own words.