Please Follow directions or I will dispute  Please answer original forum with re

Please Follow directions or I will dispute 
Please answer original forum with references and respond to both students separately with a minimum of 100 words each 
Page One original forum with references
page 2 Francis response with references 
page 3 Akai response with references 
Original Forum 
Continue using your Term Paper Template file, which you have renamed according to the following convention: LastnameFirstnameTermPaperOutline (eg., SmithJohnTermPaperOutline). You will use this same file throughout the semester to complete each week’s assignment, and will turn in the completed file as your Term Paper at the end of Week 7.
This week you will write the Your Company’s Management of Data and Knowledge section and the Your Company’s Use of the Internet section of your term paper.
Topics to cover in the Your Company’s Management of Data and Knowledge section include your organization’s current use of data management systems (chapter 6), problems and difficulties faced by your organization in regards to data management (chapter 6), your organization’s procedures for collecting, storing, managing, and updating data (chapter 6), and types of knowledge management systems currently used by your organization (chapter 11).
Topics to cover in the Your Company’s Use of the Internet section include how your organization is affected by the digital economy and what issues they need to consider in regards to doing business in the digital economy (chapter 1), current messaging and collaboration software and Web 2.0 technologies in use by your organization (chapter 10), and your company’s use of e-commerce technologies (chapter 10).
When you are finished, copy and paste the Your Company’s Management of Data and Knowledge section and the Your Company’s Use of the Internet section of your term paper into a post and post it to the discussion board.
Student Response 
Company Management of Data and Knowledge
Brandznet identifies the network, software, and hardware functionality, including their critical roles. Our database will provide a centralized view of data that can be accessed by multiple users, from multiple locations in a controlled manner it will limit what data the end user sees as well as how that end user can view the data. The system can offer both logical and physical data independence. This mean it can protect uses and application from needing to know where data is stored or being concerned about change to the physical structure of data. Knowledge about the functionality of these components is paramount in the practical organization of the e-commerce platform. One of the hardware functions is connecting the organization’s network to the external world of customers and other users. The hardware allows e-commerce businesses to use, recover, and store data. Routers, hubs, data centers, and computers are critical hardware (Choshin & Ghaffari, 2017). Another consideration to be made by Self create is managing resources, databases, and contacts. Enterprise resource planning is a management services tool that facilitates the efficient use of resources.
Company Use of Internet
Brandznet is an e-commerce business based on a mobile app platform; the company should use online marketing strategies. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are online platforms that can market the merchandise to potential customers (Kreutzer, 2016). Notably, the three online platforms have millions of old and young users who are prospective clients. Many individuals prefer to make orders online rather than shopping in person. The threat of COVID-19 has also made shoppers cautious about going to fashion stores. 
Choshin, M., & Ghaffari, A. (2017). An investigation of the impact of effective factors on the      success of e-commerce in small-and medium-sized companies. Computers in Human    Behavior, 66, 67-74. (Choshin & Ghaffari, 2017)
Kreutzer, R. T. (2016). Online-marketing. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Ten Events for Yous’ current use of data management will have many different branches. For example, customer records, recipe files, ingredient lists, various decorations, venue contact information, customer orders, and customer comments/surveys will be consistently used with a redundancy. Security management of some data like customer records and grandmas’ unique pumpkin breaded hot wings with fillet mignon salad. Having access to the database management system will help the workers provide the best service to customers. “Structured databases, with software improvements eases the different data sets” (Pieper, 2004). For example, when the cook answers a customer’s question and the primary or secondary are unavailable. When the cook accesses the database, reads the notes to inform the customer of the status of venue accommodations and decorations or theme.
Some problems with data management and people are the different views of the information from mobile devices to display information like customer billing to the output of figurines and inventory from suppliers. The procedures for collecting, storing, managing, and updating data will be placed on the servers with backed up to the cloud every 48 hours. At Ten Events for You, we will follow up with a new customer via phone call or email to ensure the data that the customer inputted on their order and get a sense of what the customer is seeing of thinking about that cannot be portrayed on an order form.
When new information is added to the previous information, the reports or queries from a sight like Microsoft Access to enforce or guide Ten Events for You workers to keep with the metrics that we have set for ourselves to provide for the customer and make their experience as easy as possible. With all the data from different size numbers of participants at the event to paying taxes to the government at the end of the years, we will be using Enterprise-wide Knowledge Management Systems, which is general-purpose that will be adaptable to the different directions of our company. 
Pieper, Eswar, N., Braberg, H., Madhusudhan, M. S., Davis, F. P., Stuart, A. C., Mirkovic, N., Rossi, A., Marti‐Renom, M. A., Fiser, A., Webb, B., Greenblatt, D., Huang, C. C., Ferrin, T. E., & Sali, A. (2004). MODBASE, a database of annotated comparative protein structure models, and associated resources. Nucleic Acids Research, 32(suppl-1), D217–D222.

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Please answer original forum with re appeared first on Assignmentio.


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