Primary Adult Care Discussion Complete each discussion with minimum of 2 paragra

Primary Adult Care Discussion
Complete each discussion with minimum of 2 paragraphs using APA format. Use at least one scholarly source other than your textbook to connect your response to national guidelines and evidence-based work in support of your ideas. 
Discussion 1
What changes in prescriptive authority have taken place in the United States in the past ten years? What are the implications of limited prescriptive authority for the advanced practice registered nurse (APRN)?
Discussion 2
Mary is a 72-year-old grandmother of six, who recently moved to your area to be closer to her older son who recently lost his wife. She lives with her son and two teenage grandsons. Mary has not had a physical check in about 5 years, but she does not report any significant health issues. She has a history of hypertension that has been controlled with Lisinopril for the past five years. Discuss your health promotion priorities for Mary.
Discuss what hints you would ask the patient, what physical check elements you would include, what further testing you would want to have performed, differential and working diagnosis, treatment plan, including inclusion of complementary and OTC therapy, referrals and other team members needed to complete patient care. 
Discussion 3 
Sally is a 22-year-old female who recently became bothered by a rash that is itchy, red, inflamed, and dry. She also has scaly areas that she says are getting worse. The rash is only around her umbilicus and on her elbows. Both of her parents have psoriasis, but she doesn’t believe this is the problem, because it appears to be different from her parents’ lesions. She is living in Florida, is under a lot of stress in high school, and just recovered from a lingering upper respiratory infection (URI).
Discuss what hints you would ask the patient, what physical check elements you would include, what further testing you would want to have performed, differential and working diagnosis, treatment plan, including inclusion of complementary and OTC therapy, referrals and other team members needed to complete patient care. 
Discussion 4 assignment help
Callie is a 32-year-old female with complaints of a hoarse voice for the past three days, painful swallowing without drooling, fever with a Tmax of a 103 yesterday with chills, and occasional body aches. She presents to the clinic with a temperature of 99, while other vital signs are within normal limits. Cervical lymph nodes are mildly enlarged and tender. Both tympanic membranes (TM) are full and erythematous without bulging or drainage and no facial pain. Pharynx is erythematous and swollen without exudate. She has no other complaints and no significant past history; she has no sick contacts.
Discuss what hints you would ask the patient, what physical check elements you would include, what further testing you would want to have performed, differential and working diagnosis, treatment plan, including inclusion of complementary and OTC therapy, referrals and other team members needed to complete patient care. 
Discussion 5 homework help
Mason is a 55-year-old homeless man, who you are seeing today for the first time. He is a smoker and states that he has frequent colds and a routine morning cough. He used to be short of breath just walking up hills, but states that he now has difficulty breathing with everyday activities and is having trouble trying to find food because he cannot walk very far. He just wants medicine to help him survive on the streets. On examination, you find him using his accessory muscles to breath. His vital signs are 99°, 100 beats per minute, 28 respirations/min., blood pressure 140/90. Breath sounds are distant with end expiratory wheezes. He has a slight barrel chest and neck vein distention.
Discuss what hints you would ask the patient, what physical check elements you would include, what further testing you would want to have performed, differential and working diagnosis, treatment plan, including inclusion of complementary and OTC therapy, referrals and other team members needed to complete patient care
Discussion 6
Jennifer is an 84-year-old who recently returned from London with her husband. She comes to your clinic as a walk-in from the airport because she does not feel well. She has felt shaky, a little short of breath, and slightly light-headed for the past 2 to 3 hours. She did not take her Norvasc or Lisinopril this morning because she didn’t feel well. She presents to you slightly diaphoretic. Her BP is 90/50, HR is 155, RR 20. She is alert and oriented.
Discuss what hints you would ask the patient, what physical check elements you would include, what further testing you would want to have performed, differential and working diagnosis, treatment plan, including inclusion of complementary and OTC therapy, referrals and other team members needed to complete patient care
Discussion 7 writing help
A 30-year-old male comes in complaining of 2 days of loose to watery diarrhea, 4 to 5 times a day with significant nausea and one episode of vomiting today. He has a temperature of 100.5 on presentation and HR of 102. His skin is slightly pale, and he is complaining of abdominal cramping. He states that he was in his usual state of health prior to the diarrhea and denies any unusual travel or food. His abdomen is generally tender with no rebound or guarding.
Discuss what hints you would ask the patient, what physical check elements you would include, what further testing you would want to have performed, differential and working diagnosis, treatment plan, including inclusion of complementary and OTC therapy, referrals and other team members needed to complete patient care
Discussion 8 academic help
Harold is a 66-year-old male who presents with chills, a 101° fever, and low back pain. His wife tells you that he has been having leaking of his urine for the past 2 to 3 days, a loss of appetite, and that Tylenol is not helping his back pain. Harold tells you that he feels like he constantly has to have a bowel movement, but he has not had any diarrhea, and does not feel constipated. Discuss what hints you would ask the patient, what physical check elements you would include, what further testing you would want to have performed, differential and working diagnosis, treatment plan, including inclusion of complementary and OTC therapy, referrals and other team members needed to complete patient care
Final Project: Deconstructing the News
RDG104: Kerry Golde
1. Choose an article to deconstruct. The article should be between 600 and 1200 words. The article must be from a news outlet and must be submitted for my approval. 
2. Create a Google Slide presentation demonstrating the seven steps of deconstruction determining how the article is actionable. 
3. Slides must indicate the following:
Step 1 – summarize article and determine whether the story matches the headline. 
Step 2 – provide evidence that the reporter “opened the freezer.” 
Step 3 – use the I’M Vain chart and its criteria to place value on each source in article.
Step 4 – establish transparency within the article.
Step 5 – what context is given or what context is missing?
Step 6 – is the article fair or bias? Give examples.
Step 7 – is the article/story actionable news?
Presentations will be due the last day of the semester. 
Step 1. Assume that General Motors (GM) will merge with Ford Motor Company so that GM will be the surviving company.
● Note: Ignore accounting standards (they are quite complicated) and legal requirements (such as anti-trust laws).
Step 3. Create an Excel spreadsheet or a Word document with a table in which you have the following four columns. You can copy and paste this information into the spreadsheet or table and add across the columns. 
Step 4. Do the same as you did in Step 3, but for the income statements of GM and Ford. You can copy and paste this information into the spreadsheet and add across the four columns.
Step 5. Perform a ratio and vertical analysis of the balance sheet and income statement of the combined company for the Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Debt/Equity Ratio, and Return on Equity. Calculate the weighted average cost of capital for the new firm using the assumptions from Module 3.
How Expensive Are You? —The Cost of a Human Body
Biologically, how much are you worth? The answer to this question varies depending on your perspective. At the most basic level, 12 elements comprise 99% of the human body—with 95% of the body composed of the elements oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. How much would it cost to purchase the basic building blocks of your body? The elements that make up the human body can be purchased in purified, laboratory-grade forms from supply companies. These companies provide the chemicals to work laboratories that manufacture biological molecules. The current price of these elements for a typical adult is approximately $3,000-$4,000. 
However, to make a human body, each of those elements must be chemically bonded to other elements to produce the complex biological molecules of life (proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids). Using sophisticated laboratory equipment, highly trained scientists can synthesize these complex biological molecules from basic elemental building blocks, just like your body does. What is the cost of these biological molecules when purchased in the quantities found in the human body? Many millions of dollars! 
The Human Body
Element % Composition
Carbon (C) 18.0
Hydrogen (H) 9.0
Oxygen (O) 65.0
Nitrogen (N) 3.0
Sulfur (S) 0.3
Calcium (Ca) 1.5
Phosphorous (P) 1.0
Potassium (K) 0.4
Chlorine (Cl) 0.2
Magnesium (Mg) 0.05
Sodium (Na) 0.2
Interactive Discussion Activity: How Expensive Are You? 
1. Researchers have reported advances in their attempts to synthesize life from scratch in a test-tube—bringing non-living matter to life. In the lab, they have been able to produce ‘protocells’ from fatty molecules that can spontaneously trap pieces of nucleic acids that possess the code for replication and metabolism. With continued progress, protocells may be synthesized that form self-replicating, evolving system that satisfy the conditions of life.
2. Reflect and discuss on the broader significance of this work. What objections might be raised about this line of research?
3. How do you consider your worth?


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