Week 5 CA109-T302 Oral Communication Skills (2223-1) Welcome to the Course Sylla

Week 5
CA109-T302 Oral Communication Skills (2223-1)
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Week 5
Week 5 Introduction
Welcome to Week 5 of CA 109. In previous weeks, we have learned how to develop and support a speech. We are now ready to learn how to organize the body of a speech and discover the importance of introductions and conclusions.
We will finish this week by learning how to complete a Preparation Outline for a speech and we will utilize these outlining skills as we work on the worksheet for our second speech-the PowePoint Speech.
Weekly Objectives
After studying the week’s material, you should be able to:
Explain why it is important to organize speeches clearly and coherently.
Identify the four objectives of a speech introduction.
Identify the major functions of a speech conclusion.
Construct a preparation outline following the guidelines presented in our textbook.
Construct a speaking outline following the guidelines presented in our textbook.
Focus Questions
Keep the following questions in mind as you work through week 5 tasks:
1. What are the five major patterns of organizing main points in a speech?
2. What are the seven methods that can be used to gain the audience’s attention in an introduction?
3. What are the methods a speaker can use to fulfill the functions of a conclusion?
4. Why is it important to outline speeches?
5. What the differences between a preparation outline and a speaking outline?
This Week’s Deliverables
Here are the things you must complete for week 5:
Discussion: Week 5, original post is due by Friday at 11:59 PM, CT; replies to peer’s posts are due by Sunday, 11:59 PM, CT. This assignment is worth 10 points.
Week 5 Quiz: Due by Sunday, 11:59 PM, CT. You must complete the quiz the first time you open it. You will have 10 minutes to complete the quiz and may not use books, notes, or any other forms of help. This assignment is worth 10 points.
PowerPoint Speech Worksheet: Due by 11:59 PM, CT Friday. This assignment is worth 10 points.
Conference with your instructor over your PowerPoint Speech Worksheet. Your instructor will contact you to schedule a Zoom conference. This conference will take place by Tuesday of Week 6.
PLEASE NOTE: Your PowerPoint Speech is not due until Week 6; your PowerPoint Speech Worksheet is due this week, Week 5.
Reading/Viewing Assignments
Here are your assignments for week 5:
Read Chapters 9, 10, and 11 of the textbook.
View Chapter 9 PowerPoint Presentation.
View Chapter 10 PowerPoint Presentation.
View Chapter 11 PowerPoint Presentation.
View Chapter 9 Chapter Outline.
View Chapter 10 Chapter Outline.
View Chapter 11 Chapter Outline.
Read the PowerPoint Speech Assignment.
Week 5 Discussion Board Assignment
Go to the Week 5 forum on the Discussion Board, create a new thread for your post, and post the organizational method for each set of speeches in Question #1 – this is all you need to do for this question.. Then, post 100 words for each introduction set in Question #2. Make your initial post by 11:59 PM, CT Friday.
The word requirement is the amount of words it will take to compose an average answer – a “C” or “C+” level answer.
You will want to review the Discussion Board policies in the course syllabus and the Discussion Board rubric before beginning your assignments.
You are expected to meaningfully integrate and correctly cite our course textbook, additional course readings, and/or course viewing assignments in your response to the second Discussion Board question.Do not use any other resource beyond our course materials.
You will utilize one quote and/or paraphrase from our course materials in your answer for each of the introductions in Question #2. Do not use more than one quote and/or paraphrase in your answer for each introduction in Question #2. You only use quotes and paraphrases to support your original ideas.
You must incorporate APA-formatted in-text citations and complete your entire discussion response with an APA-formatted Reference list. Plagiarism is not tolerated. If you need help with APA formatting or quoting and/or paraphrasing, please utilize The OWL at Purdue website.
Respond meaningfully (150-200) words to at least two posts by other students no later than 11:59 pm CT Sunday.
Your Discussion Board Submissions must always begin with the Discussion Board question number, i.e. “Question #2.”
Discussion Questions:
1. Question 1 (Chapter 9)
Each set of statements below represents the main points of a speech. For example, set A.1. and A.2. are the main points of speech #1; B.1., B.2., and B.3. are the main points of speech #2; and so on. Identify the organizational method used in each of the following sets of main points.
Speech #1
A.1. The philosophy of hacktivism revolves around free speech, human rights, and online civil disobedience.
A.2. The objectives of hacktivism are to expose the corruption and inner workings of governments and corporations.
Speech #2
B.1. In ancient Rome, the Colosseum hosted gladiatorial games and other kinds of popular entertainment.
B.2. In the Middle Ages, the Colosseum was occupied by religious groups and used as a cemetery.
B.3. In modern times, the Colosseum has been restored and turned into a tourist attraction.
Speech #3
C.1. Caused by a rare genetic mutation, progeria is an inherited disease that has no known treatment.
C.2. The effects of progeria include the appearance of rapid aging, limited growth, and a shortened lifespan.
Speech #4
D.1. At the top of the rainforest is the emergent layer, where trees can be 200 feet tall.
D.2. Below the emergent layer is the canopy, where vegetation is so dense that it filters out 80 percent of the sunlight.
D.3. Beneath the canopy is the understory, where trees are less than 12 feet tall and grow large leaves to collect the small amount of sunlight.
D.4. At the bottom is the forest floor, where there are almost no plants because of the lack of sunlight.
Speech #5
E.1. Cyberbullying is a widespread national problem.
E.2. The problem can be solved by a combination of individual awareness and social action.
2. Question 2 (Chapter 10)
Following are four complete introductions from classroom speeches. Each has at least one flaw that keeps it from fulfilling all the functions of a good introduction. For each introduction:
identify the flaw (or flaws)
make specific suggestions for improving the introduction
Introduction #1
It is very hard to cuddle a fish. Fish won’t roll over or fetch the morning paper. You won’t find them curling up on your lap, chasing a ball of string, or rescuing a child from a burning building.Yet despite these shortcomings, lots of tropical fish have found their way into American homes. Fish have earned a spot next to the all-American dog and the cuddly kitten in the hearts of millions. Today I would like to explain how you can start a home aquarium and discover the pleasures of owning tropical fish.
Introduction #2
We have so much unused human potential. By improving the use of your time, you can have much more time for social activities. You can use your mental processes more fully, thereby improving your grades. You can also increase your physical stamina and improve your health. We must learn to know our bodies.
Introduction #3
A six-year-old collie lay battered and helpless by the side of the road. The car that hit her had broken her pelvis, dislocated her hip and smashed her jaw. It had also blinded her and she whimpered in pain and fear.
Unfortunately, this true story happens much too frequently because of the growing problem of pet overpopulation. Having grown up on a farm with animals of all kinds, I care deeply about their welfare and I have become aware through my veterinary courses on how serious the problem of pet overpopulation is.
Introduction #4
Every problem has at least two sides. When one side is right and the other side is wrong, the problem is easy to solve. But what if both sides have merit in their arguments? How do you solve these problems? Balancing the rights of everyone in an adoption is one of these problems.
The parents who give up the child have a right that all the information they disclose be kept confidential, while the adopted child has a right to know about the identity of his or her natural parents.
Today, I’d like to explore this problem with you and look at one approach to solving it.
Submission Instructions
Complete the discussion by clicking on the Discussion title above or the button below and then “Create Thread.”
View the Discussion rubric by clicking the button below.
CA 109 Discussion RubricStart Discussion
PowerPoint Speech Directions
An informative speech increases the audience members’ understanding of a topic. For this speech, you will inform your audience about a significant popular culture product or personality from the last five years. “Popular culture (or “pop culture”) refers to the traditions and material culture of a particular society. [In first-world countries], popculture refers to cultural products such as music, art, literature, fashion, dance, film, cyberculture, television, and radio that are consumed by the majority of a society’s population. Popculture is those types of media that have mass accessibility and appeal” (Crossman, 2020).
This assignment requires you to design and deliver an original 4-5 minute informative speech, with supporting PowerPoint slides.
For this speech, you will inform your audience about a topic by answering the question:
What is the most significant popular culture product or personality from the last five years and why is that product or personality the most significant?
The ideas in your speech must be supported by evidence. A minimum of three viable, relevant, timely sources is required. For this speech, you will confine your research to newspapers from across the country. You may choose from the following online newspapers:
“LA Times”
“Chicago Tribune”
“USA Today”
“Atlanta Journal-Constitution”
“Detroit Free Press”
“Arizona Republic”
“The Dallas Morning News”
“Boston Herald”
“New York Post”
“The Washington Times”
Sociological Definition of Popular Culture, Crossman, A., ThoughtCo., 2019
To practice techniques of building confidence as a speaker.
To apply the key steps of designing and presenting an informative presentation to a real-life speaking situation.
To observe guidelines for ethical speech.
To demonstrate the skills of effective speech delivery.
To demonstrate effective use of visual aids.
Speech Development Process
After completing the reading and viewing assignments associated with the PowerPoint Speech, follow the key steps below to complete your PowerPoint Speech Worksheet and design and present your speech.
Note: You will film yourself presenting the “speaking” part of your presentation and post this to your Group Discussion Board. You will upload your PowerPoint slides to your Group Discussion Board.
1. Consider your audience. For this assignment, your audience is made up of college graduates. You must keep this audience in mind throughout the speech-making process.
2. Select and narrow your topic. For this assignment, you will present on the topic of the most significant popular culture product or personality from the last five years.
3. Determine your general and specific purposes. The general purpose of this PowerPoint Speech is to inform. The specific purpose of this speech will explain a significant popular culture product or personality from the last five years you want your listeners to remember.
4. Develop your central idea. The central idea summarizes your speech in a single sentence and previews your main ideas. The central idea of your PowerPoint Speech will identify a popular culture product or personality and state why this is the most significant popular culture product or personality from the last five years.
5. Generate the main ideas. The main ideas are the key points in a speech; these are derived from the central idea. Your PowerPoint Speech will have two main ideas. The first main idea will identify and explain the pop culture product or personality. The second main idea will explain why this is the most significant pop culture product or personality from the last five years.
6. Gather supporting material. Supporting material includes facts, examples, definitions, and quotations from others. For this speech, your sources will come from the list provided to you of U.S. newspapers. Remember that sources must be acknowledged in the speech. An oral source citation typically includes the author, title, and year of publication.
7. Organize your speech. Every speech should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction gains audience attention, previews the major ideas in the presentation, and provides audience members with reasons to listen to the presentation. The body presents and supports the main ideas. The conclusion summarizes the main ideas and restates the central idea.
8. As you are organizing the presentation, you should also be developing the slides for the PowerPoint presentation. See information below.
9. Rehearse your speech. Your speech must be delivered from limited speaking notes (a maximum of three 3×5 notecards written on one side only). DO NOT READ YOUR SPEECH. Practice your speech several times from your notecards, preferably with a partner, before you record the speech. Be sure to time the delivery of your speech to make certain it falls within the 4-5 minute time limit. DO NOT READ YOUR SPEECH.
10. Audience Requirement: All speeches must be recorded in live video format; audio-only recordings are not allowed. Your audience may either be live and in-person or live and digital. In either configuration, your audience must experience your speech live and in real-time.
When recording your speech, make sure you are well-lit and not washed out with light from behind you. Ensure you record your speech on a tripod or solid surface. You must deliver your speech from a standing position, unless otherwise approved by your instructor. Your audience and your instructor must see you on camera at all times.
Students will be required to show the in-person audience at the beginning and end of each recorded in-person presentation. Students will not cut-in the audience to the recording; rather the recording will flow from showing the audience at the beginning of the speech, to the delivery of the speech, then back to the audience at the end of the speech with no breaks in the video.
Digital audiences must be viewable on-screen for the entire recorded presentation. The recording of the speech must display the student presenter and the complete digital audience for the entirety of the speech.
To earn a speech grade of C- or higher, all CA 109 students are required to record their graded speeches in front of a live audience, either in-person or digital, of at least five adult humans, age 18 or older.
11. NOTE: All CA 109 students are required to submit their written speeches to Turnitin. Failure to submit a written speech to Turnitin will result in a grade of zero for the “Ethicality” section of each speech rubric. Turnitin is an electronic text matching system that compares text in a student assignment against a database of sources. As students are required to produce original speeches – not copy other pieces of work – Turnitin is another resource for students and instructors to ensure students’ work is their own.
12. In Week 6, you will deliver your speech. Record your speech and upload it to your Group Discussion Board.
PowerPoint Slide Deck Development Process
Your speech must be illustrated by a PowerPoint slide deck that meets the following specifications:
Title slide with speech title and speaker’s name.
Preview slide showing the main points in the speech.
Body slides to illustrate each of the two main points and sub-points.
References slide in APA format.
No text on body slides; use powerful images instead of words when possible.
A minimum of 13 slides must be used.
No more than 16 slides in total.
Follow the advice in our textbook and videos from Week 6 for developing effective PowerPoint visuals.


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