I would like to have the same writer to do my research essay as well, so please read the document guideline for the research essay on how everything should be done. First I will need the literature review done first then I will put a new order after that.
The research question is:
1) In which respects does democracy require equality, and in which ways does capitalism undermine this equality?
Literature review: guidelines
Instructions: you must find two pieces of academic literature which are relevant to your question and which are not part of the fall-term readings for the course. The literature review consists of a summary of the arguments in each piece of literature as they relate to your topic. Your aim is to convey the content of the literature and to determine how and why it is relevant to your research question.
(i) Academic literature consists of (a) articles from an academic journal, (b) academic books (published by academic presses) and (c) chapter from academic books.
(ii) Your summary should focus only on those parts of the literature which are relevant to your research question. You should therefore ignore parts which are not relevant to your research. If you are finding that only a small part of an article is relevant to your question, you should search for a different piece of academic literature.
(iii) Finding relevant literature often means reading something only to ascertain that it is not what you are looking for; do not settle on the first pieces of literature you find if they are only of marginal relevance to the question. To ascertain whether an article is relevant to your question, the abstract, introduction and conclusion are often good places to look initially.
(iv) Your literature review may contain two separate sections, one for each piece of literature you find. But you may instead combine the summaries into one continuous text (without separate sections), especially if the summaries can be organised by theme.
(v) Make sure you can identify the thesis of the literature you read (on thesis statements, see, II.(c)(iii) below).
(v) When you refer to your literature, whether quoting directly or paraphrasing, you must do so using the correct academic conventions. The full citations to the literature will be in a reference section at the end of the review.
The structure of the literature review should be as follows:
(a) Title page with your name, student number and title of your research paper.
(b) On the second page, under the heading Literature Review, you should summarise the two texts you choose in 500 words or fewer.
(c) Under the heading References, you should give the full source to the pieces of academic literature you have summarised (in alphabetical order of the authors’ names).