Tell a data-driven story about the world and how it is changing through a data c

Tell a data-driven story about the world and how it is changing through a data comic.
Use the World Bank Indicators page to find your datasets (Links to an external site.).
You may want to choose more than one dataset (e.g. mammal species
threatened, bird species threatened, land area, and forest area). The
World Bank Indicators should be your primary data source, but you can
supplement with data from other reliable sources.
You can create your comic with any tool, but powerpoint or google
slides are easy ways to draw panels and add clip art, images and text.
Your comic can be whatever dimensions you like, but it should be
visually engaging with good use of color and design.
Turn in:
A document that contains
A list of your datasets with names, sources, and links
A 1 paragraph description of why you chose your topic and what story you want to tell
Your data comic in PDF format


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