Please read the article below. there is two link.And i need 150 words review . Follow the instruction below. you can ignore the “link embedded” part, but need to find at least one source related to article.
Your blog entry must contain the following to be graded as passing or better:
-A point of view supported by an “argument” that is augmented by legitimate source links and
images from respected professional or academic sources (no, “generic”, “stock” images or
marketing, advertising or opinion-only links).
For the purpose of design, an argument is, an evidence-based defense of a non-obvious
position on a non-trivial issue.
Evidence means citing legitimate sources.
Non-obvious means it is not common-knowledge or a commonly held view.
Non-trivial means it is a critical topic relative to design, civic society, personal responsibility,
behavior, social values or innovation.
Always add at least one additional source with a link embedded into a word or phrase in
your writing responses (blog posts).
Also note these criteria for blog writing as pertains to this course:
-Employ a “personal angle” (a personal anecdote, a connection), with a related link and/or (nongeneric) image. A personal angle should be coupled with “evidence”.
-Clarification using links and your own words to explain the meaning of non-commonly used
words contained within your post or the post being reviewed.
You must include at least one additional embedded link per post.
Embed the links into a word, phrase or sentence (so when the reader clicks on that word, phrase
or sentence, they go to your added link that supports your argument. DO NOT copy and paste the
link into the blog as a stand-alone link.
-Always Identify people or organizations mentioned in your post or the post being reviewed,
including titles, backgrounds and locations (city and country) and links to them.
-Identification (embedded link), of the original post.
-Always credit sources.