Name__________________________ CRIJ 4310/ 5 January 2022
Three federal cases dealing with Corrections and Prisoner’s Rights.
Turner v. Safley 482 U. S. 78
1. What are the two prison regulations that prompted this case into federal court?
2. What were the Federal District Court and the Court of Appeals rulings in this case?
3. Identify the parts of the four prong test spelled out in this U. S. Supreme Court ruling?
4. What is meant by “valid, legitimate penological interest or objectives”?
5. What is the significance of the Turner v. Safley ruling to challenging prison rules and regulations?
Williamson v. Stirling 912 F.3d 154 (4th Circuit 2018)
1. What is meant by Substantive Due Process and Procedural Due Process?
2. Which U. S. Constitutional Amendments did Mr. Williamson allege were violated during his pre-trial detention?
3. Which specific constitutional rights within those amendments did Mr. Williamson assert were violated?
4. What is the benefit to the correctional facility and to the charged offender of “Safekeeper Status”?
Millbrook v. United States 569 U. S. 50 (2013)
1. What allegations brought this case to the Federal District Court and the Third Circuit Court of Appeals?
2. Identify the legal reasoning for the Court of Appeals ruling in this case.
3. What is meant by the term “law enforcement proviso” that arise out of wrongful conduct of law enforcement officers?
4. What are the different holdings of the 9th Circuit and the 3rd Circuit with respect to the “law enforcement proviso”?
5. What was the U. S. Supreme Court ruling and the three legal reasonings utilized to support the ruling?