Locate the Emergency Operation Plan regarding COVID-19 for Pennsylvania. Review

Locate the Emergency Operation Plan regarding COVID-19 for Pennsylvania. Review the table of contents for the components of the plan, and write a report on your findings.
In your report, briefly describe the elements listed below:
components of the basic plan (e.g., purpose, concept of operations, organization, and assignment of responsibilities),
appendices to the basic plan,
emergency support function annexes for the pandemic,
support annexes (e.g., volunteer organizations), and
incident annexes (e.g., rioting, civil unrest, extreme circumstances, lack of provisions regarding food or water)
Does the plan describe an Incident Command System (ICS) or emergency operations center (EOC) interface for managing operations within the EOC? If it does, is the EOC interface robust enough to be effective? Why, or why not? If this is not included in the plan, what are the benefits of including it? Support your analysis and position with evidence.
The report should be at least three pages in length. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.


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