What are some challenges you face as a childcare provider, and what solutions do you believe are needed?

Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx, .doc) or Rich Text Format file (.rtf)*. Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up to five to seven days to grade.

Be sure that each of your files contains the following information:

Project Name/Title of Paper
Your name
Your student ID number
Name of School
The course number and name
Project number
Date of submission
Follow this procedure to submit your assignment online:

On your computer, save a revised and corrected version of your report.
Go to http://www.pennfoster.edu and log in.
Go to Student Portal.
Click on Take Exam next to the lesson youre working on.
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Locate the file you wish to attach.
Double-click on the file.
Click on Upload File.
Click on Submit Files.
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For this assignment, youll conduct an interview with an early childhood education professional, such as a center director, a teacher, or an assistant teacher. To prepare for the professional interview, reread pages 8890 in Foundations of Early Childhood Education: Teaching in a Diverse Setting, by Janet Gonzalez-Mena, which discuss the role of a professional in the field of early childhood. According to the reading, the classroom is much like an orchestra but, unlike an orchestra, the role of the professional isnt necessarily that of the leader wielding a baton behind a podium. If youve ever spent time in a classroom, youre probably already aware of this!

Using the points made in the preparatory reading, think over what you want to accomplish and what youll need to know from the person you interview. Using the guidelines in the next section, prepare your approach and compose your interview questions.

Assignment Instructions
There are several steps to complete the assignment successfully:

Contact an early childhood professional that has a minimum of an associate degree (in ECE) and make arrangements to conduct your interview. While normally conducted in person, options that meet best practices for social-distancing guidelines include setting up a Zoom, Skype, or Facetime interview or conducting an interview over the phone. The interview will likely be completed in the course of one hour.
Conduct the interview using the instructions outlined below. Make sure youve asked permission to take notes during the interview or, if possible, record the session.
Prepare a written account of your interview to submit for evaluation.
Theres a list of questions youre required to ask during the interview, and you’ll write at least five original questions of your own. The five questions you decide on in advance won’t be follow-up questions used to clarify or draw out the mentor’s response to earlier questions, but should instead invite the person to share responses on new topics. In total, you’ll ask at least 20 questions, and likely more if you must ask them to elaborate on any responses that are too brief, vague, or off-topic. Your additional questions should clarify your purpose or help the reader appreciate your understanding of roles the professional must take on to make beautiful music in the classroom.

In your report, in addition to an introduction and a conclusion, youll write a dialog based on the questions and answers from the interview. To ensure that you have all the information you need, prepare a sheet listing the questions and leave room for the notes youll take on the professionals answers.

For clarity, weve included this sample of how to format your interview dialog.

Student (Put your first name here, for example Mary): Thank you so much for agreeing to help me with this assignment, especially since youre staying after hours to do it.

Mentor (Add the name of the person youre interviewing here, for example, Joan or Ms. Smith): Its my pleasure. Im so glad to help out a future daycare professional.

Mary: Well, lets get started. What attracted you to daycare or wanting to care for children?

Joan: It seems Ive always wanted to take care of kids. Even when I was a little girl, I was lining up my dolls and playing teacher. In grade school I always organized all the kids on the playground, and if anyone got hurt, I was the one who took care of them until an adult came. By high school, I was baby-sitting and taking courses at the Y. I guess it was destined.

Mary: Wow, you mentioned courses. That actually leads me to my next two questions, in a way. How long have you been a professional and what courses have you taken?

The interview process and your dialog should continue in this same back-and-forth pattern.

Required Questions
While there are some required questions, remember that the interview is a conversation with someone in your field and an opportunity to learn. By preparing possible follow-up questions, depending upon the professionals answers, youll learn more and keep the conversation rolling in a natural way. If there are additional topics youd like to ask about, prepare the questions before you go to the interview and write them down along with the required questions.

The following are the required questions for your interview:

Why do you consider yourself an early childhood professional and what does “professionalism” mean to you?
What attracted you to the early childhood field or caring for young children and why have you chosen to work with young children and their families?
Which teaching methods and strategies do you use most often, and who are the philosophers and theorists who have influenced your work?
What, if any, formal education do you have in this field? How do you continue to grow your skills and knowledge in working with young children? (This is a great opportunity for follow-up questions!)
How do you measure your own effectiveness in helping children achieve developmental and learning outcomes?
Do you feel your role as a professional has changed since you first entered the field? If so, how? (This is a great opportunity for follow-up questions!)
What are some challenges you face as a childcare provider, and what solutions do you believe are needed?
Beyond teaching and learning, what do you think your role is in the classroom and in your community? (This is a great opportunity for follow-up questions!)
What do you believe child-centered learning is, and how to embrace a holistic approach to teaching and learning? (This is another great opportunity for follow-up questions!)
How do your curriculum, daily schedule, environment, and materials support your objectives for children’s development and learning?
What are some of the developmental and learning outcomes you want children to achieve in your care? What are your objectives for their growth and development?
In your opinion, why is the period of early childhood development special?
How do you engage in reflective teaching and professional development?
What surprises you most about your work in early childhood education?
What advice or guidance do you have for someone earning a degree in early childhood education?
Additional Questions
You must prepare a minimum of five of your own questions for the interview based on what youve learned about the role of the professional in early childhood education or child care and your own experiences and goals. You may also ask spontaneous follow-up questions during the interview to clarify the professionals answer or follow a line of thought. Those might come naturally, but make sure you prepare several questions that reflect your own interests in early childhood. Ensure you have prepared at least five (5) additional questions to be asked during the interview.

Your Report
When youve completed your interview, youll begin composing your report. Make sure you transcribe your notes immediately, so you can remember any details you didnt have time to write down, especially if youre not going to write the report directly after the interview.

When youre ready to write, follow these steps:

Write an introductory paragraph that explains the name and title of the professional you interviewed, where the professional works, when you conducted the interview, and approximately how long the process took.
Provide a written dialogue of your interview presented like the sample format provided in the Format section of the assignment instructions.
Conclude your paper with a paragraph that describes what youve learned from this project. In this paragraph, youll state your thoughts on the educational process of becoming a professional and the role of the professional in the classroom. Youll also reflect on any doubts or added certainty you gained from the experience about the profession youve chosen.
Writing Guidelines
As with all ECE exams, begin with your title page formatted in APA style. Refer to the Sample APA paper, the APA Video, and the APA Handout on the Early Childhood Learning Resource Center https://pflibrary.pennfoster.edu/earlychildhoodcenter/college.
Save your paper in Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or in rich text format (rtf).
Check the assignment instructions carefully and make sure youve included all the required information.
Proofread your work carefully. Check for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.


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  • What are some challenges you face as a childcare provider, and what solutions do you believe are needed?
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  • What are the specific obstacles in the way of change.
  • Is qualitative methodology relevant for research on the psychology of religion/spirituality?
  • What areas of psychological research might quantitative methodology be appropriate for?


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