Brief Essay 2: 3 pages minimum.
Using the assigned readings from Chapters 8 and 9 as a reference, defend your view of the moral and legal status of at least one of the following practices:
reproductive cloning (Ch. 8)
genetic screening and selection, with particular attention to PGD and selective abortion (Ch. 9)
genetic enhancement (Ch. 9)
Under what conditions is the use of this technology morally permissable? Should the use of this technology be legally available?
Points to consider: How does your view relate to reproductive freedom, the effect on society, and the effect on individuals?
The following general points apply:
Your essay should logically support your conclusion.
Your essay should take into account possible objections or alternative points of view.
Your essay should demonstrate knowledge of the relevant arguments and points of view from our course readings.
The grade will take into account the rational coherence of your argument, the clarity with which you express the argument, and the level of understanding you show with regard to your topic.