NOOTE:  I just need to add the bolded part below The final project for this cour

NOOTE:  I just need to add the bolded part below
The final project for this course is the creation of an IT systems development paper and presentation. This is a group project. You and your group will work on all of the aspects to implementing a new or updated information system into a business from a project management perspective. Your group can choose a real-life implementation of one of your companies or use a scenario provided of a company thinking of implementing a new system. Your group will have to consider all aspects of an IT systems development project for your company, including an overview, an implementation plan for the IT system, a timeline and resources, and a risk management plan for your organization. Your role is to oversee this new system implementation from a management perspective while keeping in mind your learned knowledge of IT in this course. This project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. The milestones are due in Modules Three, Five, and Seven. The final project submission consists of a group paper due in Module Nine and a group presentation due in Module Ten. This project will demonstrate your knowledge of the steps needed to implement a new information system into a business. To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to apply what you have learned in this course and should include several of the following course outcomes and learning objectives:  Understand the role of information systems in today’s business environment  Gain an overview of information technology  Appreciate contemporary approaches to building information systems  Describe basic principles of information systems  Work cooperatively in a group to integrate the concepts learned Requirements Your final project must consist of the following elements (Address each element fully; do not answer the questions in list format): I. Overview (2–3 pages) a) Provide an overview of your company and the systems development project. Describe the industry you are working with. b) Conduct a needs analysis and a systems audit: i. Why do you need a new system? ii. How does the current system work? Do you currently use any software or hardware? iii. What are the goals you are trying to achieve with the new system (e.g., increase efficiency, improve organization, reduce cost, reduce error)? c) Comment on the scope of the project. How do you think it will achieve the goals set forth? II. IT Implementation Plan (3–4 pages) a) Systems Analysis (Note that depending on your project, not all of the below questions will apply) i. What hardware and software are needed? ii. How many users will this affect? iii. Is this a global solution? iv. What kinds of tools will be used for development? v. Can an existing platform (network, servers, computers, etc.) be reused? vi. Is a database needed? If so, which one will you consider? Why? vii. Is this a new software application, or will it be replacing an existing one? viii. Will you purchase an off-the-shelf product? Will it be beneficial to build a specific system? b) Systems Design and Development (Note that depending on your project, not all of the below questions will apply) i. If you are going to purchase an off-the-shelf product, describe how it will be implemented into your current system. ii. If you are going to build a system, will it need programming? iii. How will your IT system connect to your current system? Will you need to obtain additional hardware? iv. What reporting is needed? v. Is additional training needed internally? vi. Is there ample staff, or will consultants be needed? c) Testing i. Will a standard testing mechanism be used, such as use cases? ii. At what point will the users be involved in the testing? iii. Who will sign off on the testing? iv. Will there be a development and production environment? d) Training i. Who needs to be trained? ii. When will the training take place? Where? iii. Will special applications be needed for training (customized training videos, web videoconferencing, consultant training)? e) Implementation i. What is the implementation schedule? ii. Will you use a sample test or a prototype? iii. What strategy will be used for implementation (a full roll-out, a phased approach)? iv. Who needs to sign off before the system goes live? f) Maintenance i. Who is responsible for ongoing maintenance? III. Project Plan (2–3 pages) a) Timeline for the Implementation Plan i. What is the timeline for the project? ii. What are your major milestones and deliverables? iii. Use a visual timeline or a Gantt chart or PERT chart (Figure 14.5) b) Resources i. What resources will you need (both products and services)? ii. Will you use an internal team? iii. Will you need a systems analyst, systems designer, programming, or an entire consulting team? iv. Will you outsource implementation and training (hire a consultant)? IV. Organizational Change (2–3 pages) a) Risk Management i. How will this affect your company (loss of staff, convincingstakeholders of the impact)? ii. What are some of the areas of risk for your project? iii. What is your contingency plan? Milestones Milestone One: Topic In Module Three, groups will submit their topic for the project. One group member should submit your group’s topic via the discussion board. No two groups should have the same topic. This is not a graded forum, and students do not need to reply to posts. Milestone Two: Project Update In Module Five, your team is responsible for a final project update. This should consist of a one-page summary of your progress and include the summary of your company, your needs analysis, and your systems analysis. One representative from your team should submit the final project update. This milestone is graded for submission, and feedback must be incorporated into your final paper. Milestone Three: First Draft In Module Seven, the first draft of your final project is due. One representative group member should submit the draft. This milestone is graded for submission, and feedback must be incorporated into your final paper. Final Submission: Final Paper In Module Nine, your final paper is due. The paper should be 10–12 pages, not including cover page and resources. One group representative should submit the group’s final draft of the paper. This submission is graded with the Group Paper Rubric. Final Submission: Final Presentation In Module Ten, your final presentation is due. This presentation should consist of 8–10 slides and summarize your paper. For tips on creating your presentation, see Principles of an Effective Presentation. One representative group member should submit the presentation for grading. This submission is graded with the Group Presentation Rubric. The final presentation should also be submitted to the Module Ten discussion forum


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