W1 Paper
Please select 1 of the following 4 options (or select multiple questions if this helps you to meet the min word count):
Option #1 (From Ch. 1): How did the native inhabitants of the Americas transform their environments, and what natural constraints put them at a disadvantage relative to Europeans?
Option #2 (From Ch. 2): How did the Spanish respond to the discovery of a “new world”?
Option #3 (From Ch. 3): Where and why did Spain establish colonies in North America, and how did native peoples resist colonization?
Option #4 (From Ch. 4): What were the sources of stability and conflict in early New England?
Davidson, J.W., DeLay, B., Heyrman, C.L., Lytle, M.H., & Stoff, M.B. (2019). Experience History. (9th ed). McGraw-Hill.
This is a commentary-based essay only; you may consult the literature/news resources to help you prepare your answer, but your paper must be the result of your own personal commentary and opinions only.
Due by Sunday
Paper must be submitted in Word format only
400 (min) – 500 (max) words
Requirements: (1) Answer question(s), (2) Meet min word count, (3) Indent each paragraph, & (4) Double-space your paper
You will be penalized if you include any of the following: Title Page, running header, page #’s, References Page, your name on paper, title, etc. — No formatting, content only
You will also be penalized if you have a high SafeAssign score; this will show that you excessively utilized information from your sources to help you prepare your paper. The key to preparing for this paper is to read about the question you are addressing and then to formulate your own opinion without relying on your sources!