Review the “Matched-Subjects Design” document attached and follow the instructio

Review the “Matched-Subjects Design” document attached and follow the instructions listed in the document.
Working with your group members, complete the design experiment.
After completing the exercise, have a scholarly discussion around the following questions in your CLC thread:
Advantages for each technique. Provide at least two.
Disadvantages for each technique. Provide at least two.
Discuss the criteria used to determine the appropriateness of random assignment versus matching techniques.
As the group comes to a consensus for each question, choose a recorder to record the consensus in a word document to be submitted to your instructor.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
List the points to convey your consensus; then through scholarly research, explain under what conditions these different grouping techniques are necessary.

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