Instructions: Students will create a PROFESSIONAL POWERPOINT on the 13 objective

Students will create a PROFESSIONAL POWERPOINT on the 13 objectives that are indicated below.
The PowerPoint (design) must be related to technology.
The PowerPoint format is required as follow:
1. Include an appropriate image for (each slide).
2. The PowerPoint font color and font size must be (visibly clear).
3. Each slide must have an (appropriate title) for the bullet point. Do not include the (the objective as the title) as the title.
4. The WOW Slide is a unique slide that represents the (entire) PowerPoint. It could be an image or a slogan that was (originally) created by the student.
5. Each (slide must have a minimal of 3 bullet points in complete sentences, describing the title that was created from the objective.). Do not indicate short phrases.
PowerPoint Slides: If (all) slides are not indicated, 10 points will be deducted for each slide.
Slide 1: Indicate Appropriate Image| Appropriate Title| Student’s Name| Title of Term Project| Professor’s Name| Date| College Name
Slides 2-14 (Chapter 12 Bullet Points indicated below) Remember: Do not copy and paste the objective in the PowerPoint.
Slide 15: Wow Slide. (See number 4) that is indicated above.
Slide 16: Ending Slide: (Create a professional Slide of your choice).
Chapter 12 Objectives:
•Identify the pros and cons associated with both buying and building software.
•Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the waterfall approach to system development.
•Identify and state the goal of each of the six phases of the waterfall approach.
•Identify and briefly describe the primary tools and techniques used during system development.
•Define five types of feasibility that must be assessed.
•Identify the purpose and participants involved in various types of testing from unit testing to user acceptance testing.
•Identify three approaches for system cutover.
•Describe the agile development process.
•Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the agile system development approach.
•Describe the role of the scrum master and product owner in the scrum framework.
•Discuss extreme programming (XP) and DevOps.
•Outline a process for evaluation and selection of a software package.
•Identify the key factors to be considered in selecting a software package.


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