please reply to the two following colleagues for a discussion: colleague #1: Whi

please reply to the two following colleagues for a discussion: colleague #1: While I do play games on my smartphone, it is usually puzzle-type games so I am not competing with anyone except myself. I have found that I do get drawn in as the puzzles become harder and harder. I assume I do not have the genetics for addiction since I have gambled in the past and have won and lost, so I just do not do it anymore. I am competitive when it comes to sports, and card and board games, but I never was attracted to video games, likely because when I was young, I had to feed quarters into the game to play. Had I grown up with the games my children did or the games of today this may be a very different discussion? Now I do use my phone for discovery, I would say I have become a Google genius. I have a lot of education, and experience in life, but the ability to just “Google” has made me have to think less. I feel like this is good and bad. On the one hand, having information that is easily accessible is very helpful, but on the other, this bombardment of information can easily make us complacent about learning. Why do I need to learn something when I can look it up? The problem with this is when you fail to learn, then someone else owns the information that is going into your head. As John Mayer said, “when they own the information, they can bend it all they want.” I will admit that I have been drawn in by click bait, and spent 10 minutes looking and what 80’s sitcom and movie stars look like today, or some other that was then this is now kind of thing. So, I can see how these devices can run your life. My wife and I go on a cruise every year and for 10 – 15 days we turn off our phones, put them in the safe and don’t look at them again until we get back home. However, just like Pavlov’s dog, once we turn it on, we are conditioned response to look at the phone every time it makes a noise. So, while I could do without my phone, when I do have it, I am attached. colleague #2: There are a number of things that can take place internally to drive someone to behave in a certain way. Due to advancements in research and technology, mobile application developers, video game creators, and other digital service providers can use this information to tweak their products to produce better results. Many social media apps utilize algorithms to show people things that they are already interested in, without them needing to search. Things like this are more likely to keep users engaged and glued to their devices as they are constantly receiving desirable content. The world of video games is also likely to keep users glued to their consoles. Many individuals experience a release of dopamine while gaming if the desired result is reached (winning, finishing a level, reaching a milestone, etc.). Another huge contributor to online addiction has been the introduction of cyberbullying. While there are a plethora of reasons why people engage in such activities, the fact that many of the ″internet trolls″ or ″catfish″ can get away with their actions without consequence is often enough of a driving force 

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