Contact someone you know who works in your field or in a similar technical workp

Contact someone you know who works in your field or in a similar technical workplace (related to technology, business, engineering, or another industry that you are interested in). Ask them the following questions: What different types of written communication do you do at work (emails? reports? wikis? proposals? documentation? instructions? website content? anything else…)? If you are asked to write something new on the job, how do you find out what is expected (how it should be organized/written)? What do you find challenging or rewarding about writing in a workplace setting? What are some tips you follow or recommend for making workplace writing clear and user-friendly? Reflect and write about the interview or the document you analyzed. First, document the interview/analysis (see format below), then add your reflection as a paragraph or two after documenting the interview. Consider these questions in your reflection: Does the information you found surprise you? How? Is the information you found the same or different from your own experiences (refer back to your discussion post from this week). Describe how it is the same or different. Why do you think that is? What else did you notice?


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