PAPER: Choose 5 DIFFERENT CASE STUDIES (these can be those we discuss or those w

PAPER: Choose 5 DIFFERENT CASE STUDIES (these can be those we discuss or those we don’t; as long as they are from the TEXT, any case study will work). You are to analyze ALL 5 of the case studies using ONLY ONE of the following ethical theories: Kantian Deontology, Utilitarianism, Nozick’s theory, virtue ethics, Rawls’ theory, or Marxism. Make sure you provide a paragraph that accurately describes the theory you will be using. Make sure you describe the case study before you apply the theory. Provide a general assessment of the paper, i.e., write a conclusion. Avoid using phrases like: “In my opinion,” “I believe,” “Ethics is difficult and not certain, so it is hard to tell if this ethical theory is right or not.” This is an ETHICS course, so don’t do or say anything in your ETHICS PAPER that would undermine ethics as a discipline. Further, you are making an ARGUMENT in this paper, as such there is no room for “personal opinions” or “feelings.” Just turn those opinions and feelings into statements of fact. This paper should be no less than 8 full pages and no more than 10. This papers should be well written, typed, doubled spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman (Or equivalent font). No cover sheet needed. Include proper citation. Rubric Final Paper Final Paper Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics Grammar, Sentence Structure, etc. 20 to >15.0 pts Good Few mistakes in sentence structure, grammar, and clarity. Any mistakes do not interfere with the author’s point. 15 to >10.0 pts Acceptable There are a few issues with sentence clarity. Sentences could have been reformulated. Shows some proof reading, but not careful proof reading. 10 to >5.0 pts Lacking Multiple sentences were poorly structured. Sveral sentences interfered with the point the author was trying to make. Does not clearly indicate whether the author proof read. 5 to >0.0 pts Not Acceptable Nearly all sentences are poorly written. It is clear that there was no proof reading. The author did not take the time to use spell check. 0 pts No Marks 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAccuracy Are all of the relevant themes, issues, and concepts displayed? 20 to >15.0 pts Good All relevant theoretical concepts are appropriately applied to the specified issue. 15 to >10.0 pts Acceptable Most relevant themes, concepts, and issues are employed. The missing themes, concepts, and issues, do not impede the author’s point. However, their presence could have significantly enhanced the paper. 10 to >5.0 pts Lacking The most relevant themes, concepts, and issues were not presented. THe author focused on the wrong aspects of the themes, concepts, issues. The author did not accurately apply the themes, concepts, issues. 5 to >0.0 pts Not Acceptable The author employed none of the relevant themes, concepts, and issues. Or, attributed the relevant themes, concepts, and issues to the wrong authors. 0 pts No Marks 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources Are sources adequately cited and employed to prove the authors point? 20 to >15.0 pts Good All sources are used to support the author’s points. ALl sources are cited appropriately and consistently. 15 to >10.0 pts Acceptable Sources are used. The sources are cited in a way that is clear but inconsistent or not adherent to some norm (MLA, APA, Chicago). 10 to >5.0 pts Lacking Sources are used and quotations given. However there is a poor attempt to cite. 5 to >0.0 pts Unacceptable Sources are not used, or improperly used. No citation is given 0 pts No Marks 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrompt Does the presentation adequately follow the prompt? 20 to >15.0 pts Good All aspects of prompt are fully developed and answered correctly. 15 to >10.0 pts Acceptable The most important aspects of the prompt are adequately answered. The missing aspects of the prompt are not detrimental to the author’s point. 10 to >5.0 pts Lacking Some aspects of the prompt have been answered, but not in a clear and meaningful way. 5 to >0.0 pts Unacceptable The response does not adequately respond to the prompt. 0 pts No Marks 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubmission Was the presentation submitted in a way that adheres to deadlines and standards? 20 to >15.0 pts Good Assignment was submitted on time and in the proper format. 15 to >10.0 pts Acceptable The assignment was submitted late. Or half was submitted on time, the other half was submitted late. 10 to >5.0 pts Lacking Submitted late and is improperly formatted. 5 to >0.0 pts Unacceptable Something was submitted, but it was late and had multiple formatting problems. 0 pts No Marks 20 pts Total Points: 100


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