Write a research paper on how a musician or group reflected, contributed to, protested against, and/or inspired a political social movement in the United States. State your thesis up front and use the rest of the paper to provide evidence for that thesis.
You will explore the time period in which the movement occurred, including the social, legal, political, and/or economic events.
Students will base their claims around themes and social issues explored throughout the semester, using sources (sources assigned in class would be a great starting point for this) to support their thesis.
This paper should have standard margins, be in a standard font. Use any standard citation method that you are familiar with (MLA or Chicago). If you are unfamiliar with any, I have included a cheat sheet for the APSA version. This paper will be turned in via blackboard which will utilize plagiarism detection software.
- Write a paper detailing opportunities and challenges facing Native American Tribes that want to participate in e-commerce as a means for economic development on Indian reservations.
- Explain how someone who is fully committed to the moral reasoning of the ethical theory would answer your ethical question (even if it is not necessarily how you would answer the question).
- Write about the economic geography of one country.
- Write a research paper on how a musician or group reflected, contributed to, protested against, and/or inspired a political social movement in the United States.
- What role do you think museums like the British Museum play in commodifying art historically?
- Is profit-seeking anti-social or unholy?
- Explain how and why they led to innovations associated with the Renaissance as well as some sharp differences between Southern and Northern Europe.
- Discuss the various factors that influence a companys competitive strategies and compensation practices.
- Explain how natural cures and prophylactics have been taken off shelves, and drs promoting these have been demonized.
- What are the ethical, moral, and theological implications of the church in America regarding Sunday morning worship continuing to be what has been called the most segregated hour in America?