Play Writing Assignment: Create an original play. This drama must take place in

Play Writing Assignment: Create an original play. This drama must take place in the 20th century, as to coincide with your instruction in Social Studies. Topics include but are not limited to Prohibition, WWI, The Great Depression, WWII, the Women’s Rights Movement & the Civil Rights Movement. Although a fictional work, the historic details included should be accurate. Include a creative title and character list at the beginning of the play. This play should be a minimum of THREE pages long. It should have multiple scenes that are clearly labeled. Make sure to include italicized stage directions that are surrounded by brackets (They followed instructions). Stage directions are notes that tell how a play is performed. They describe scenery, costumes, lighting, and sound and may tell how the characters feel, move, and speak. Feel free to include a monologue, soliloquy or aside.


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