Please submit your best brief analysis of the following readings: Bornstein and

Please submit your best brief analysis of the following readings:
Bornstein and Davis, Part 1, “Defining Social Entrepreneurship” (estimated through p. 47, depending on format)
Your paper should NOT be a summary or an opinion. Rather, it should synthesize, analyze, or critique the readings, as informed by other scholarly literature or content, historical or current events, or informed and credible expert or media perspectives. The paper should reflect a breadth of content and understanding from the span of readings, instead of a single topic from one chapter.
For students: 1.5-page minimum (not considering headings/names/etc and footnotes; no page length maximum), SINGLE-SPACED (no spaces between paragraphs), Times New Roman, 12 pt font, 1″ margins, citations (in APA, Chicago, Harvard or any consistent format). There is no maximum length limit.
the textbook is: “Social Entrepreneurship: What Everyone Needs to Know” by David Bornstein & Susan Davis (2010)


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