Important Note Completion of this lab in the Maryville Virtual Applications envi

Important Note
Completion of this lab in the Maryville Virtual Applications environment is not necessary. This exercise may be completed in a standard web browser on your computer or within the Virtual Applications environment. Within your Course Resources, you have access to the instructions needed to access eLumin and Maryville Virtual Applications.
Reach out to your instructor or the Maryville Help Desk if you are having difficulties accessing the software for this course. 
This project uses an Enigma machine simulator. It functions like the Enigma machines used during WWII. This example has been included to help you better understand how encryption worked in the early days. It’s a great learning tool for when you first start exploring the subject of cryptography. Enigma machines provided fairly good encryption strength for their day. Modern cryptographic systems are much more secure than Enigma machines.
Pay attention to the colored paths as you type. The red path goes through the three rotors, bounces off the reflector, becomes green, and then goes back through the three rotors. The right rotor moves with each keystroke. If it completes one full cycle, it will advance the middle rotor and subsequently the left rotor.
Open a Web browser and go to to an external site.
Click the dials at the top of the web application so that each has the letter “A” selected.
Slowly type your first name and last name without a space. (e.g. RandyBoyle)
Take a screenshot. Note: The text in the Input text box is what you typed. The text in the Output text box is what you would send. You are now going to reset the dials to their original position (in this case AAA) and type the encrypted text (ciphertext) you produced in the Output text box. You can copy the ciphertext from the screenshot you just took. Subsequently, you should see your name reproduced in the bottom box. This is the equivalent of decrypting the message.
Click in the Input text box and backspace your name. (The dials should be set back to their AAA position.)
Refer back to the screenshot you just took and copy down the output (ciphertext). (e.g. the ciphertext for “RANDYBOYLE” was “VDOLZYMEAC.”)
Type the ciphertext into the Input text box. (Type slowly so you won’t make a mistake and have to start over!)
Take a screenshot with your name showing in the Output text box.
Backspace the text in the Input text box.
Slowly press the A key ten times and notice how a different encrypted letter is chosen as output through the rotating dials even though you are hitting the same key each time.
Take a screenshot.
Write a page discussing the types of encryption that you use on a regular basis on your phone/computer. Are there any security issues that concern you with your use of any of these encryptions?
This is the next chapter of your lab book for the semester. Each Lab Assignment is a new chapter in your lab book.
Your lab book chapter each week should include:
Cover Page
Introduction of the lab assignment
Screenshots that dialogue your lab experience/ what you learned during the exercise
Conclusion of the lab assignment
Independent Research – expanding the topic.. ( For example this week, we are focusing on the VM, an appropriate expansion may be discussing why we use a VM, uses of VM’s, history of VM’s, NextGen VM’s… etc)
A Helpful Message regarding the projects/ lab assignments…   
Yes, we normally provide steps to follow and a general direction of what is necessary to complete the assignment…..   but they are not recipes…   they are diving boards for exploration.   Sometimes things do not work perfectly…  that’s OK..  note it in your lab book and continue.   The intent is to provide the general direction…  the assignment is intended for you to run with it and learn!! 

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Completion of this lab in the Maryville Virtual Applications envi appeared first on Assignmentio.


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