Section 1: Plan and develop an applied research strategy 4
Section 2: Collect and analyse data 9
Section 3: Document and present research findings 12
Project Portfolio – BSBINS603 Initiate and lead applied research | Page 2 of 13
V1.0: May 2021, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
Student name:
Organisation this assessment is based on:
Research task/topic for this assessment:
Section 1: Plan and develop an applied research strategy
1. Describe the organisation you are basing this project on.
a. What is the name of the organisation?
b. What are the main activities of the organisation?
c. List at least three objectives/goals of the organisation (i.e. list three desired outcomes of your organisation).
d. What is your role in the organisation?
Your role should be that of a leader or manager who uses applied research to enhance individual, team and organisational performance for improved organisational outcomes.
2. How will your research task help your organisation to achieve improved organisational outcomes?
a. How is your research task relevant to the strategic practices and outcomes of the organisation?
b. Explain how your chosen research task/topic will help your organisation to achieve improved organisational outcomes?
3. Describe your research task:
a. What is the purpose of your research task?
b. What is the hypothesis of your chosen research task?
c. Describe your target group’s profile and needs.
d. What is the context of your research (the cultural, social, geographical or institutional factors in which the organisation operates and in which the research will be carried out)?
e. What data is required for your research task?
4. Summarise your meeting with stakeholders to confirm the purpose and requirements of your chosen research task.
a. Who did you consult with (e.g. CEO, Director, Customer etc.)?
b. Summarise the requirements of the stakeholder(s).
c. Provide an example of specialised vocabulary relevant to your research task that was used at the meeting.
d. How was your choice of words appropriate for the audience and context?
e. If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your meeting to this section of your portfolio.
5. Summarise the legislative requirements (legislation, regulations and codes of practice) for conducting applied research. Consider:
• any legislation/regulations/codes of conduct that apply specifically to your chosen research task.
• any legislation/regulations/codes of conduct that apply to the process of conducting applied research.
• any legislation/regulations/codes of conduct that apply to research ethics.
Include at least one applicable legislation/regulation and one code of conduct.
6. Summarise your organisation’s policies and procedures applicable to conducting applied research.
a. Summarise any policies and procedures that apply to:
o your chosen research task o the process of conducting applied research o research ethics.
b. Attach proof of the policies and procedures to this section of your portfolio.
You must summarise at least one policy and procedure.
7. Summarise the tools and resources available that may be used to assist with your applied research task.
8. Research and evaluate theories/methods/techniques/tools to collect, analyse data and maintain data integrity for your research task.
a. Complete the table to summarise your research.
b. Evaluate alternatives.
c. Apply the most appropriate method to your research task.
d. Attach proof of your information sources to this section of your portfolio.
Note: Include textual information from at least three sources.
Research on: Summary of research (including information source/s): Evaluation to apply most appropriate method/technique to your research task:
Applied research theories
(at least two theories)
Methods/tools/techniques that may be used for collecting data (at least three)
Methods/techniques/tools for analysing data (at least two)
Research on: Summary of research (including information source/s): Evaluation to apply most appropriate method/technique to your research task:
Methods/techniques/tools for maintaining data integrity (at least one)
9. Identify technology and technology services that may be used to support your data collection and analysis.
Note: Include at least one form of technology and one technology service.
10. Prepare a research strategy, considering the available tools and resources.
Your research strategy must explain how you will go about proving or disproving your hypothesis. This will typically include your approach, methods/tools/techniques and available resources.
11. Analyse the limitations of your research, including the factors which may affect the reliability and validity of your data.
a. Give the number of samples that you intend to base your research on. o Explain how you arrived at the sample size. o Explain whether that is a valid sample size for the planned project.
o Describe how reliable the results of the research should be, given the intended sample size.
b. Describe how the research results will prove (or disprove) your original hypothesis.
c. Summarise any limitations that the research design could have on the validity of the results.
d. Describe how the integrity of the data collected and analysis tools used will optimise the relevance of the research.
12. Use the work you’ve done in this section so far to prepare a research proposal or plan.
a. Include:
o a description of your research task (purpose, hypothesis, context) o organisation and legislative considerations (policies and procedures, legislation and codes of conduct).
o a full description of the data collection and analysis methods, theories, tools and techniques to be used.
o the technology and technology services that will be used to support data collection.
o the number of samples that you intend to base your research on.
o how reliable the results of the research should be, given the intended sample size. o limitations to your proposed research strategy, including the reliability and validity of the data.
b. Attach your research plan to this section of the portfolio.
Your research plan/proposal should include the use of specialised and detailed language to communicate specific information, requirements and recommendations related to your proposed research task. Your written plan/proposal should demonstrate your ability to deal with complex ideas and concepts. You will be assessed on this.
Attach: Meeting with stakeholder(s) (if relevant)
Proof of policies and procedures ?
Proof of textual information sources (x3) ?
Research plan/proposal ?
Section 2: Collect and analyse data
Use the work you completed in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio to collect and analyse data as outlined in your research plan/proposal.
1. Use technology and technology services to collect data for your research task.
a. Use at least one form of technology to collect data.
b. Use at least one technology service to collect data.
c. Summarise the data.
d. Attach proof of how you’ve used technology and a technology service to collect data to this section of your portfolio.
Proof may be provided in any appropriate format. For example:
• video clip or photo of you using the technology or technology service
• screen shot of you using technology or the technology service • printout of electronic data.
2. Access any other sources of information or relevant contributors to your planned research
a. Which sources or contributors did you access (at least one)?
b. Summarise the information/data.
c. Attach proof of the information to this section of your portfolio.
Proof may be provided in any appropriate format. For example:
• video of an interview with a relevant person providing data/information.
• best practice examples
• academic journals and papers.
3. Analyse your data
a. Use the methods, tools or techniques identified in Section 1 to analyse your data.
b. Identify trends, changes or patterns
You must use mathematical information to statistically analyse your data. For example:
• probability
• percentages
• mean, average, medium
• hypothesis testing
4. Summarise your research findings.
a. Describe your research findings (i.e. the outcome of your analysis).
b. Explain how the findings impact on the requirements of your stakeholder(s).
c. How do your findings impact the organisation (e.g. customer, employees, business plan etc.)?
d. Are your findings appropriate and suitable for your original research strategy (developed in Section1)?
5. Confirm the integrity of your collected data and analysis.
a. Does your sample/population size differ to your planned sample size (calculated in Section 1)?
b. Review your data for accuracy of details and completeness (have you captured all the data?).
c. Does any data show conflicting or opposing information?
d. How does your analysis tool suit the type of data you’re using and the analysis required?
e. Are your findings complete (i.e. have you fully addressed your purpose/hypothesis)?
f. Have you adhered to legal requirements (e.g. data privacy)?
g. What further research is required?
h. How will you approach the additional research?
You must use mathematical information to confirm your data’s reliability. For example:
• Numerical sample size
• Percentage accuracy or completeness
• Percentage of outlier data
Attach: Proof of technology use
Proof of technology service use ?
Section 3: Document and present research findings
Use the work you completed in Section 1 and 2 of your Project Portfolio to help you complete this section.
1. Document and present your research findings.
a. Include:
• Research summary (purpose, hypothesis, findings, surprising/important/outlying results)
• Methods used (how you carried out the research, collected data and performed an analysis)
• Results obtained (recorded in an appropriate format)
• Detailed description of findings (if relevant)
• Relevance and impact of results (on the organisation/customer/stakeholders etc.)
• Accuracy (of data and analysis)
• Further research required (including the approach for the research) and presented
b. Attach proof of your documented and presented research findings.
Make sure you document and present your findings in a manner consistent with the stakeholder requirements (identified in Section 1).
Research may be documented /presented for example through:
• Research poster
• Written research brief
• PowerPoint presentation
The research does not necessarily need to be presented orally. You may use infograms, graphs, tables to present information in a user-friendly manner.
Your documented research should include the use of specialised and detailed language to communicate specific information, requirements and recommendations related to your proposed research task. It should demonstrate your ability to deal with complex ideas and concepts. You will be assessed on this.
Attach: Proof of documented research ?
The post Your role should be that of a leader or manager who uses applied research to enhance individual, team and organisational performance for improved organisational outcomes. 2. How will your research task help your organisation to achieve improved organisational outcomes? a. How is your research task relevant to the strategic practices and outcomes of the organisation? b. Explain ho appeared first on My Academic Papers.