You will develop a word document to include: Your research question in the form

You will develop a word document to include:
Your research question in the form of a quantitative question – 
This was my research question ( security of the personal information of health care system users – how to protect cyber threats to important personal health care information using AI.
2. Use any one of the instruments given in the sample attached document i.e, either a regular survey questionnaire or closed-ended survey or archival data that could be used to answer the quantitative version of your research question. 
Special note: for those using archival data, you will describe the process of data retrieval for your archival data. See examples to help. 
3. A one-paragraph description/justification of how your chosen instrument/protocol is the best choice for answering the quantitative version of your research question.
See rubric for how the paper will be graded.

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Your research question in the form appeared first on Assignmentio.


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