Explanation as to how or why actions or behavior of social care workers could lead to legal action.
Identify five examples of circumstances/instances throughout a hypothetical placement in a social care service setting where a social care worker might (hypothetically) be at risk of someone taking a legal action against them under the following headings:
1. Professional Negligence
2. Equality Law
3. Contract Law
Each example must address one or more of the three areas of law listed above. All of the three areas of law must be addressed at least once. https://myhomeworkassister.com/scenario-1you-are-the-day-charge-nurse-working-on-staffing-for-the-overnight-sh/
Each example should identify the following:
a. What is the incident or circumstance
b. What area(s) of law above are relevant
c. Explanation as to how or why actions or behavior of social care worker could lead to a legal action.
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