Write an analysis of the argumentation techniques, style/tone, language, and/or symbolism.

This paper is an analysis of the argumentation techniques, style/tone, language, and/or symbolism in (2008), Rebecca Solnit’s “We’re Breaking Up”
Use the theoretical readings from rhetoricians Sonja Foss and/or Jack Selzer to inform your analysis of the writer’s rhetorical choices. You must cite at least once directly from the Foss or Selzer article. There should be a direct quote from your theoretical article and Foss or Selzer must be listed in the Works Cited section of your paper.
Sources: The paper requires two sources: 1) primary source, which is your chosen article (Rebecca Solnit); and 2) a secondary supporting source, which will be the article on rhetoric by Sonja Foss or Jack Selzer.
Utilizing Sources: As a rule, quote from sources in all body paragraphs (not necessary in introduction or conclusion) in your paper. Make sure your quotes are from different sections of the text. Show you’ve read and understand the book in its entirety. Be conscious of balancing your academic writers voice with sections of text. You should consider yourself as a writer and thinker in response to or conversation with text.
MLA Format: The paper requires in-text parenthetical citations as well as a final, separate Works Cited page in MLA style and format. Ensure that you alphabetize, double space and create a hanging indent for each source entry listed in your Works Cited. For the highest grade, you must properly format the paper to MLA style: last name and page number in header; heading with all required information (include word count in your heading); creative title; body of paper with one-inch margins, 12-point font, and double-spaced; in-text parenthetical citations and Works Cited
Blocking long quotations: Work to minimize quote length to fewer than four lines of text across the page. Once you quote beyond four or more lines of full text across the full page of your paper, you must block quotes. I advise limiting block quotes (chunks of quote) to just one in a short four-page paper.


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