The purpose of the Controversial Issues in Forensic Psychology paper is to describe a controversy or debate in forensic psychology, including the legal and psychological significance. An example of a controversy in forensic psychology would be, “Should a child be able

Forensic psychology

The purpose of the Controversial Issues in Forensic Psychology paper is to describe a controversy or debate in forensic psychology, including the legal and psychological significance. An example of a controversy in forensic psychology would be, “Should a child be able to testify as an eye witness?” or “Should incompetent defendants be committed indefinitely?”

Your paper should address the following:

Identify the relevant research on each side of the controversy.

Evaluate and reflect on the findings.

Identify a personal, educated stance on the topic, and then support it with relevant research.

Discuss the legal and psychological significance.

The Controversial Issues in Forensic Psychology paper requires considerable research and critical thinking.

You should not base the majority of your paper on personal opinion. Your arguments should be based on data, expert opinion, and other peer-reviewed sources.

Support your analysis with at least five peer-reviewed references.

Length: 10 pages

Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards.


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