University of South Australia: ‘Working in teams’ online workshop: Handout: Teamwork skills questionnaire.
Working in Teams
BEFORE YOU START You can use this Word document to assess your team work skills (as part of the Working in teams online workshop) by:
• printing the document and using the hard copy to write the answers on or
• transferring the file to disc and then using it, or a copy of it, to fill in as a Word document on your own computer. If you copy it before you begin to answer the questions you will continue to be able to access the blank document at a future time.
Team Work Skills Questionnaire Visualise a particular group or team you have worked in. Answer the following about how you responded within that group. There are no wrong or right answers and some answers you may need to guess at. You might like to ask a friend or a team member to use this questionnaire to evaluate your effectiveness as a team member. You can then replace the ‘I’ in the questionnaire with your name before you give it your friend or team member. A scoring table is set out below the questions for you to score your effectiveness as a team member.
1 I offer information and opinions
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
2. I summarise what is happening in the group
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
3. When there is a problem I try to identify what is happening
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
4. I start the group working
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
5. I suggest directions the group can take
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
University of South Australia: ‘Working in teams’ online workshop: Handout: Teamwork skills questionnaire.
6. I listen actively
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
7. I give positive feedback to other members of the group
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
8. I compromise
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
9. I help relieve tension
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
10. I talk
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
11. I ensure that meeting times and places are arranged
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
12. I try to observe what is happen in the group
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
13. I try to help solve problems
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
14. I take responsibility for ensuring that tasks are completed
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
15. I like the group to be having a good time
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
University of South Australia: ‘Working in teams’ online workshop: Handout: Teamwork skills questionnaire.
Scoring Table Score by awarding yourself the number of points shown in the Table below. Put the score in the score column. Add the numbers together in the score column to discover your total score.
Question a b c d e Score
1. 1 2 3 2 1
2. 1 2 3 2 1
3. 1 2 3 2 1
4. 2 2 3 1 0
5. 0 1 3 1 0
6. 3 3 2 1 0
7. 3 3 2 1 0
8. 2 3 3 1 0
9. 1 2 3 1 0
10. 0 0 3 2 1
11. 2 3 3 1 0
12. 3 3 2 1 0
13. 2 3 3 1 0
14. 2 2 3 1 0
15. 1 1 2 1 1
If you have scored between 40 and 45 you are a very effective team person.
If you have scored between 35 and 40 you are an effective team person.
If you have scored under 35 it would be useful if you worked on some of your team skills.
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