Comp 1 week 7 advocacy text and rhetorical analysis annotations

 Complete using pen before scanning the document


After completing some preliminary research for the Advocacy Text project, please submit annotations of the resources you plan to reference in this project. Although the number of sources you use in this project will vary based on what you need, you must turn in (6) sources annotated but you may turn in more. If less than 6 annotated sources are turned in, you will receive no credit for this assignment.

Technical Requirements

If you’re annotating using pen and pa.per:

  • Print or obtain a printed copy of all texts.
  • Complete the meta-analysis/annotation process by hand using a dark-colored pen.
  • Use a traditional scanner on a printer or other device to capture images of all pages or sections of all text as a single PDF, OR use a smartphone app for scanning such as CamScanner, TurboScan, or Scannable to capture images of all pages or sections of the texts as a single PDF.
  • Email yourself the PDF for easy access and storage. From your preferred device, download the single PDF of the annotated text from your email and then upload it to the Writer Portrait text annotations area in Canvas.

If you’re annotating using a stylus on a tablet or other device:

  • Open digital files or images of the texts in your preferred application on the tablet or other device.
  • Complete the annotation process by hand using a stylus and any other relevant marking tools (such as a highlighting feature).
  • Save your annotated files or images of all the texts as a single PDF.
  • Upload the single PDF of the annotated text to the Summary Annotations Assignment area in Canvas.

The post Comp 1 week 7 advocacy text and rhetorical analysis annotations appeared first on Perfect papers hoth.


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