1. Choose 2-3 source(s) NO LESS THAN 2, NO MORE THAN 3 from the Units in this course that you made a PERSONAL connection to and feel you WANT to and would enjoy writing about. a. Use of any information or texts sourced outside of the course will cause FAILURE of the writing exam. NO EXCEPTIONS. 2. This course is based on students m

Responding Academically to sources in a formal MLA or APA format, students have the entire semester to draft, revise, edit and PERFECT several drafts of this writing exam with (SLC tutors, Library tutors, 6 Net Tutor Review Summary Reports through “Ask a Tutor” Net Tutor in MindTap AND attending LIVE remote sessions with the professor in Zoom). This exam demonstrates student mastery of the Learning Outcomes required to pass this course.

ENC: Final Exam Academic Response in Formal MLA/APA Writing(s) List of Sources from the Units:

1. BBC, “Saving a Future for Amur Leopard”

2. Associated Press, “Water in Flint, MI”

3. Caitlin O’Connell-Rodwell, “The Secret Lives of Elephants”

4. Katherine Bigelow and Scott Burns, “The Last Days of Ivory”

5. Helen Lewis, “What Hubris Makes Us Think We Can Imprison a 22-foot Killing Machine and Make it Jump for Balloons?”

6. Cheryl Katz, “Unequal Exposures: People in Poor, Non-White Neighborhoods Breathe More Hazardous Particles”

7. Peter Singer, “Animal Equality”


1. Choose 2-3 source(s) NO LESS THAN 2, NO MORE THAN 3 from the Units in this course that you made a PERSONAL connection to and feel you WANT to and would enjoy writing about.
a. Use of any information or texts sourced outside of the course will cause FAILURE of the writing exam. NO EXCEPTIONS.

2. This course is based on students mastering the Learning Outcomes required as outlined by the State of Florida (see syllabus). Demonstrating mastery of the Course Learning Outcomes is required to pass the course.

3. Throughout the term, in each Lesson, if students paid close attention and obtained assistance from the Lab and library tutors, then students will have learned to write formal academic research essays in MLA or APA format using (see the Rubric):

a. A focused Topic with a clear Thesis/main idea, Academic Audience, and clear Purpose in a developed introduction.

b. Well-organized thoughts that are Outlined clearly and flow of information is easy to follow with Topic Sentences and Transitions that reinforce the Thesis and main ideas.

c. Ample, Developed, concrete, specific, detailed examples to support the main idea.

d. APA Reference page or MLA Works Cited page with correct in-text citations to match and sources must be introduced in the text before quoting.

e. Edited for Standard English Grammar and Punctuation that does not use 2nd person.

4. The Exams are formal, full-length Academic writing in MLA or APA style format (students may chose the format as this course has provided instruction and support for both formats). Formats CANNOT be mixed. Students have been provided with instruction an samples to perfect either format they chose.

5. 750-words, roughly 3 pages. Academic Writing MUST contain at least 3 paragraphs, (Introduction, Body, Conclusion) including:

a. Quoted information and Works Cited/Reference pages do not count toward word count.

b. If using APA format, the essay would need to be 3 pages of writing (in addition, a title page and abstract must ALSO be included [5pgs minimum] – see formatting and examples for APA).

c. IN ADDITION, a Works Cited (MLA) or Reference page (APA) is required for the quoted texts and any sourced information. These pages are additional to the essay at the very end of the essay.

d. Use of any information or texts sourced outside of the course will cause FAILURE of the writing exam. NO EXCEPTIONS.

e. Students must use Direct Quotes with correct In-Text citations and Introduce the Source (Not more than 3 lines OR it MUST be formatted as a BLOCK quote).

6. Students will be writing their PERSONAL opinion on the Source(s). Students MAY NOT summarize an opinion from the source(s) but rather MUST come up with their own ORIGINAL idea(s). Students can:

a. Agree with or Disagree with the source.

b. Make a Personal Connection or relate to the Subject matter in the source.

7. DO NOT summarize. The writing exam is YOUR personal ORIGINAL thoughts, not summary information about authors and summaries of the source(s).

a. There are even Investigating Strategies and Writing Suggestions within each of the sources in the units at the bottom after the quizzes you can use if you want.

8. DO NOT plagiarize.

a. DO NOT paraphrase.

b. Use correct quoting and citing of the source(s). Students WILL fail writing exams for taking information and not correctly citing the source(s). There are videos to help students with this, but it is highly advised that students make appointments with the Lab and Library tutors to get some help with citing as it is a large part of the grading rubric.

9. Study the Writing Samples and the Rubric.

10. Essays are EXAM(s) cannot be revised after a deadline.


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