Bus 623 week 6 discussion 1


Prior to beginning work on this discussion,

Discussion Instructions

Throughout your MBA program you will continue to cover various subjects as they relate to business. In the BUS621: Leadership and Teamwork course you created and built your own Walmart in a new global location. In your BUS622: Global Marketing course you created a global marketing plan that is strategically competitive and socially responsible. For this course, based on the location you have chosen to build your own Walmart, explain and support what dimension of the Hofstede model (see page 435 of our textbook for a list and description of the dimensions) your country most likely falls under. Next, explain how understanding the dimension and cultural sensitivity would impact human capital talent management practices as you expand into your chosen country. Be sure to be factual and to fully support your answer.

Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words. Graduate school students learn to assess the perspectives of several scholars. Support your response with at least one scholarly resource in addition to the text.

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