Website plan | Architecture and Design homework help


  • Determine your website’s goals and objectives and draft the website’s purpose statement.
  • Identify your website’s target audience(s) and determine the wants, needs, and likely expectations that your website’s design and content should satisfy for that audience.
  • Identify the pages you initially plan to include at your website.
  • Add to your website plan a list of value-added content that will help achieve your website’s purpose and satisfy target audience needs. Identify possible sources for the content, keeping in mind the copyright issues discussed in Chapter 2.
  • Determine which of the three website structures—linear/tutorial, webbed, or hierarchical (or a combination of structures)—will best meet your website’s purpose. Use a text outline, manually draw the structure, or use software to illustrate your website’s structure as part of your design plan.

The paper must follow the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain a title page, five scholarly references, three to five pages of content, and a reference page. 

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