Research the topic in depth using peer-reviewed journals, magazines, and newspaper articles as references. A minimum of 5 sources should be cited – at least 4 of which should be peer-reviewed journals – using APA style formatting. The paper should be 4-5 pages in length, double- spaced, and 12pt. fo

Research the topic in depth using peer-reviewed journals, magazines, and newspaper articles as references. A minimum of 5 sources should be cited – at least 4 of which should be peer-reviewed journals – using APA style formatting. The paper should be 4-5 pages in length, double- spaced, and 12pt. font.

The goal of this assignment is to help you develop observational and analytical skills in analyzing language and literacy development and factors that contribute to that development—including family and cultural background, relationships among families, schools, and other professionals.

In this assignment you will be assessing how these factors affect the students’ academic and nonacademic learning. Select a language/literacy topic to research based on your field work or in service observations and professional growth.

Meaningful personal experience based on classroom observations & working with diverse learners effectively drives the theme of the paper and moves the discussion forward with articulation.


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