Part 1:
Report Writing:
Write a Report detailing units covered from week 2 to week 6. The Report should answer the following questions for each of the topics covered.
1. What is the Topic?
2. Why is it important?
3. What is an example of the type of work done in the Topic?
4. What new knowledge was gained from that Topic?
Units/Topics covered:
Topic 1 Types of Equations
Topic 2 Solving different types of Equations
Topic 3 Linear Equations
Topic 4 Solving Linear Equations
Topic 5 Matrices.
Topic 6 Matrix Algebra
Topic 7 Determinant of a Matrix
Topic 8 Inverse of a Matrix
• Must be written using Microsoft Word
• There must be a Cover Page and a References Page • Report must at least have 600-word count.
• Font type: Calibri
• Font Size 11
• Use APA Referencing
Executive summary:
Introduction Body:
First Page
Middle Pages
(you can have as many pages as you require)
Last Page
Part 2:
Report Presentation:
Using the Report, you have written, choose Only One Topic you found interesting and exciting out of the 8 topics and prepare and compile a presentation on it. In this presentation, you should answer the questions:
5. What is the Topic?
a. In depth Definition.
6. Why is it important?
a. Give Real World Application of the topic/concept.
b. Give graphical representation of application.
7. What is an example of the type of work done in the Topic?
a. Give a mathematical walk through of the concepts learnt in this Topic.
b. Use Diagrams, Drawing, Video, or other media.
c. Showcase in depth knowledge and understanding of the example.
8. What new knowledge was gained from that Topic?
a. Share your experience learning the Topic and the effect it has on you going forward with your studies here in WPU. (5 points)
Choose One Topic from Units/Topics covered:
Topic 1 Types of Equations
Topic 2 Solving different types of Equations
Topic 3 Linear Equations
Topic 4 Solving Linear Equations
Topic 5 Matrices.
Topic 6 Matrix Algebra
Topic 7 Determinant of a Matrix
Topic 8 Inverse of a Matrix
• Presentation done using Microsoft PowerPoint o Presentation must be clear for the audience to see from anywhere in the room.
o Minimum of 5 slides
• Cover page of presentation should have o Title of Presentation o Name of presenter o ID Number:
o An appropriate ID type picture.
• Time Limit – 10min
• Modest Presentation Dressing.
• Loud and Clear vocals.
• Must use Appropriate Media/Medium
• Showcase knowledge of chosen topic